Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sun Dried Tomato Pesto

Uh... yum? ;)

Yield: 2 1/2 cups

4 oz olive oil
4 oz sundried tomatos (rehydrated till tender)
2 tablespoons chopped Italian parsley
2 tablespoons fresh basil 1
tablespoons fresh chopped garlic
2 oz grated parmesan cheese
2 oz chopped pinenuts
2 oz balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoons tomato paste
3 oz crushed canned tomato
2 oz red wine
1 oz diced white onion
salt to taste

First rehydrate sundried tomatoes by soaking in warm water for a few minutes until tender.
Place basil, garlic, pinenuts, parsley, onion, and sundried tomatoes in food processor or blender. Puree until well incorporated.
Add all remaining ingredients except parmesan and olive oil. Once again puree until incorporated. finally, stir in olive oil and parmesan cheese, salt to taste.
Serve with bread.


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