Wednesday, September 27, 2006


"Slight" nausea? Gagging? HA! Those are for amateurs. This morning, I entered the major leagues of puking. Funny how I didn't really see that coming. I was just sipping my coffee and wondering why my stomach felt a little empty and weird. The next thing I knew, it was bye bye coffee. That's pretty much how it happened with Ben too. Oh FINE, I'll spare you the details. Oh ye of weak stomachs, you. What's a little puke story between friends really?

While I was in the middle of things, I was thinking about how this might affect the pill I take at night. You know, the one that may or may not be sustaining this pregnancy? What am I going to do about that? Is it absorbed enough by 9-10 hours later?
Making a note to ask the doctor about that today when I go...

Congratulations! Geesh that is what happens when I step away from the internet. You go and get pregnant. It sure sounds like you have a keeper this time! And May is a wonderful time to have a baby! Just think of all the cute little summer outfits. I am very happy for you Erin!
I'm sure you've tried everything, but when I was pregnant, I made it a point of constantly stuffing saltines in my face. I kept a sleeve of them on the bedside table at night because I would wake up nauseous. Does eating help you at all?

I just feel so bad for you, though I'm sure, knowing you, your toilet is spotless ;)
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