Thursday, September 21, 2006

Five Weeks, Five Days...

The doctor called this morning and was very excited to tell me that my hcg levels were 4600 on Monday! My progesterone was a comfortable 36.2. I thought it would be much higher on the progesterone supplement... but apparently not. I'll continue to take it until 12 or 16 weeks.

Do you know what this means? It means this little bean is probably sticking! As my sendoff, Dr. F. is happily sending me for an ultrasound whenever I want to go sometime next week so we can see the beautiful little heartbeat for ourselves! :)

I also found a new OB. She practices with one other woman who is brand new. I go for my first visit with the nurse on Monday and my first visit with one of the doctors on Wednesday! Yay! I've never been so excited to visit the stirrups! ;)

By the way, I am currently awake at 2:45 a.m. typing this to you, so I've reached some familiar territory. I'm also shoving my face full of graham crackers because I am starving hungry.

I haven't had any nausea at all yet really. (mild waves of queasiness here and there a few times, but nothing major). But it is still early. I'm not in any kind of denial that it's probably coming... and if it's anything like before, it will sneak up on me when I least expect it.

I have had the following: mild cramping on and off, heart palpitations (that's the progesterone), sore boobs, extreeeeeeeeeme fatigue and the hunger thing, but only sporatically.

After I see the little heartbeat next week, I'll make this blog live (to those of you who know about it)... I'm sorry I didn't share with all of you right away, but I just couldn't bear the idea of potentially having to untell on a blog for a THIRD time. I know you'll understand. :)

after reading that you were up at 3 am and eating graham crackers, I came right over to this blog ;) knew something was up :)I never saw the two lines post! Just the taking a break one! SO first of all congratulations!!! and congrats on the 4600 hcg!!! that rocks!!! my prayers are with you as your weeks go on! I cant wait to read you saw the heartbeat!! and good luck with the new dr :) ((hugs))) congrats!!!
Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay!!! I'm so happy that things are so positive!

And you shouldn't apologize for not sharing right away...I think most of us here understand all too well how painful it is when you have to un-tell.
I was surprised when I came here today. May 19 is my brother's birthday! Congratulations. The third time is a charm, worked for me!
You must be over the moon with those numbers.

I'm so stinkin' excited for you, Erin!!!! Eat, and let that new little clump of cells grow fat and fabulous! I can't wait to see that heartbeat.
PS -- love your counter.

"I already have more brain cells than Paris Hilton!"

Too right.
I KNEW IT!!! Congratulations...I will send some prayers your way. :)
LOL, Mandy! How ever did you know? ;) Was it the reference to munching on graham crackers at 3a.m.? That seems to have tipped off a large number of people...
It was more the sudden disappearance of the blog...then the e-mail about doctors...then the 3am graham crackers. I should have been a detective. ;)
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