Monday, September 25, 2006

The Nausea Has Officially Begun...

I thought perhaps those first couple "head in the toilet" days were a fluke.... but here it is, day four? five? of being nauseated in the morning. Yesterday it lasted until lunchtime, when I finally got up enough of an appetite to stuff my face with pizza at the Italian festival we went to. After that, I was good for the rest of the day. Good times. ;) You will not hear me complain! At least until I get to the point where the is a foot/knee/head lodged in my ribcage and my diet has to mimic that of a gastric bypass patient because I can't eat more than two tablespoons of food at a time without sending it back. THEN? I might whine a little. But for now, quite pleased with my newfound symptom.

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