Monday, October 02, 2006

I Should Run Away.. Shouldn't I?

Found this in the local paper from 9/6/06... She received her degree in the WEST INDIES? Do they even have running water there? That coupled with the crappy bedside manner pretty much seals the deal for me not feeling all that comfy with her. The question is, do I stay with the practice, give the other doctor a chance and then, if she's nice, just hope she's the one on call when I deliver? Or should I bail NOW?

> OB/GYN Dr. Yelena Lubman recently joined St. Joseph Medical Center as a full-time physician.

Dr. Lubman, a native of the Ukraine, completed her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Franklin Square Hospital Center. She received her medical degree from Ross University School of Medicine in Domenica, West Indies, received a Bachelor of Science in biology from Moscow Medical University and received a Bachelor of Science in nursing from Kiev Nursing School in the Ukraine. She resides in the Mt. Washington neighborhood of Baltimore.<


Lest I seem ignorant and judgemental, I decided to do my research on "Ross University School of Medicine... here's what I found. Oh yes, it was founded for people who can't get accepted to any U.S. medical schools. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

"The Idea
In 1976, one of my employees approached me with a wonderful idea. His son dreamt of becoming a physician, yet he was unable to obtain entrance into any U.S. medical school. Back then, only a limited number of students were accepted each year; there were over 40,000 applicants for approximately 15,000 seats. The only way for the son to fulfill his dream was to find an alternative source of education. An idea was born that I finance a plan to help individuals who had the potential to become successful physicians gain the training that would allow them to practice medicine in the U.S. "


I would run a mile !! change before changing is a problem,
Yikes. Umm...don't know what to tell you. Except that Lopa went to med school somewhere in the Caribbean. :-)

*going back to sipping my smoothie*
I don't truly know the answer and considering I believe that malpractice occurs more often than not, all I am going to say in any possible defense is to check her residency program. We know doctors from other countries that do an excellent job, but generally they went to an excellent university in their home country, speak fluent English, and successfully completed a good residency program.
Um, all that said, I would run run run to another doc. I wouldn't want to take the chance that some doc from the Ukraine would be delivering my baby.
While I agree that I would run full-speed the other direction, R*Belle is right. What you really want to know is where a doctor did his or her residency, because that's where they really learned how to do what they will be doing to you.
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