Friday, December 29, 2006

Baby Too... a.k.a. My Quiet, Calm Child...

I've been rereading some of my blog posts from this point in the pregnancy with Ben and I'm finding things like this:

"In baby news, Benjamin is moving more and more everyday. He seems to move around the most once I am settled into bed for the night, despite me telling him that it's time for sleep. Hrm.

The point is, whenever I stop doing things, it's like the baby says, "I'm bored!!! ::kick kick:: HEY! What are we gonna do now! ::wham:: How 'bout some of that music.. or food!! Yeah! ::kick:: food would be good!! Anything but sleeeeeep!!! :: kick kick kick kick kick kick :: Sleep is BORRRRRRRING... ::kick::" "

"Okay, so I've come to the conclusion that this child has a sense of humor. He/she seems to have some sort of sixth sense as to when Tom leaves the room. Why? Because that's when he/she starts kicking the living daylights out of my bladder in what can only be described as a viscious attempt to get the heck out of his/her uterine prison. "

If that doesn't describe my son TO A TEE even to this day, I don't know what does. Never happy just sitting, laying around or doing nothing. Going going going since conception. He pulled himself up at four months, sat up around the same time, crawled early, walked early and has been giving me heart attacks every since. A friend of my mom's jokes that he came out of me sitting up.

This baby? I can tell you right now, is a horse of a different color.

Baby Too moves plenty, sure. But it's just certain times of the the day and it will just be 5-10 minutes of little kicks and rolls and then? Quiet.

By this point, Benjamin was kicking almost 24/7 and hard enough for it to be felt outside pretty regularly. Even during the ultrasound, (with an entire Starbucks mocha in the system during ultrasound #2) Baby Too's movements were slow, calm... almost graceful... little head movements, thumb sucking (Ben never did that) no crazy jumps, flips or rolls. (Ben moved so much on the ultrasound that the tech had to chase him around my stomach)

I'm so certain this general personality will hold true when B2 is born, that I'd put money on it. And I'm SO looking forward to the differences. Ben alone is FUN, Ben x 2 would just be complete and utter insanity.

I know exactly what you mean. Rece held true to his in-utero personality. And I am looking forward to the calmness of number two. Same here, 1 of Rece is great fun, 2 though???
I hope that holds true for my "watermelon seed". He/she is pretty quiet at bedtime, and when he/she does kick during the day, it's only very sporatic, and for not very long.
Oh, AMEN, is all I can say. As a mother of one of THOSE kids, if this one is like his/her sister, I am so totally screwed.

Of course, you know they say girls are more calm than boys are.

BUHAHAHAHAHA. Ahh, that's a good one.
Maybe God knew that you couldn't handle two Bens hehe. I know what you mean about the kicking 24/7 cause Jack did that. I remember sitting at my desk at work and somebody who had been watching my stomach popping out with feet, elbows, and arms said to me that this baby was going to be a handeful. Uh yep so true.

Also, hmmm girls do tend to be quieter??? yes?
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