Friday, December 29, 2006

If You Really Want to Know...

You could just go ask the cashier in lane #4 at the Towson Target. She's "my" cashier, this really nice tiny little older lady. I always go through her line, and she has rung up at least 30 pregnancy tets for me in the last year or so... (I know! A small fortune!) so she's pretty invested in our story. ;) Anyway, she asked if we knew the sex while I was there today and I spilled it without hesitation. I figured she'll be ringing up plenty of gender specific clothes/items in the next few months, so she'd have known anyway.

And HOW good did it feel to tell?! Glorious. But that's it. From now on, my lips are sealed.

:o) Too obvious what your having. :o) Congratulations!!!
If you can go until the end without telling not even one other person, I'll be surprised!! (I speak from experience!)
Deborah, you think? Because I can be sneaky and misleading... :) I really wouldn't trust anything I say on this blog these days with regard to the sex. ;)
You are shopping for clothes for what did you say? you have all the boy clothes you need. :o) My fiance and I both enjoyed Bens Piano Man there, Rob says he is a Prodigy.

And HEY!!!! saying your buying clothes would be very misleading hrmmm. You did not say you weren't gonna be playing fair oh so smart one. *wink*
ya I am pretty sure I know too..and thats from previous posts of wanting to know- to not wanting to know because of what people are guessing...

and Deborah you are right about the she will be "ringing up gender specific clothes" catch..and that she has a boy already...I just finally bought a few things for my repeat boy...because we have so much already and I had a shower and got more..but mommy had to buy SOMETHING for him, but I have a month to go ;) not 20 weeks.. ;)

But if Erin doesnt want to tell us then she wont..but once we all stop asking it wont be as fun to keep it a secret anymore... ;) hehehee
I will say this... I'll be buying a few onesies, newborn gowns, binkies and a blanket or two and a coming home outfit either way! (so my comment wasn't meant to be a hint or misleading... just turned out that way) ;)

You guys are making this WAY too much fun.
HAHA. Erin, I just heart you. Your Target gal was the first to know about each pregnancy and the miscarriages. She is so invested in the saga. ;-)

Of course, my starbucks barista is, too. Well, the old one. I sure do miss him.
You are so gonna break.
Just tell us!!!! We should know. You told the target lady? Not fair.
I think you should take money bets.
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