Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Quiet Day in Fetus Land...

I told Tom the other night that I am almost halfway done and his response was,
"That's not right. The baby's due in MAY!"

He kept insisting it wasn't right and I just kept saying, "I'll be 20 weeks in less than three weeks... a pregnancy is 40 weeks."

Finally, it clicked and he was equally astounded.

I'm starting to get antsy for my ultrasound now because I'm feeling the need to get moving on the nursery. I'm actually sitting in that room right (a.k.a. "the office") surrounded by boxes taken out of the closet so that I could get to the gift-wrapping supplies that were underneath everything. This is truly going to be a monumental task with much Freecycling involved. Yesterday, I got rid of two cd racks. Now I just need to get to work on the two giant boxes of cd's.

I turn to my right and I see a closet full of Tom's old baseball cards and baseball equipment, as well as other odds and ends. Behind me, a large, somewhat useless table. To my left, a somewhat unsteady Ikea bookshelf filled with books Tom will never look at again. Such great titles as: "Managerial Economics", "Economic Liberties", and "Financial Markets and Institutions". (sigh)

Overwhelming... add to that this room (actually, the whole upstairs except for Ben's room and the bathroom) needs to be painted, BADLY. Kind of makes me wish I had more than 20 weeks to go... but not quite. ;)

I love Freecycle...I also love half.com for selling all my books, and some CDs (that might be worth something). We also have a HUGE box of CDs to get rid of...what do you suggest? I feel weird just giving them away to strangers, and I feel like I could recoup some money from them...Record & Tape Traders maybe?
Val, hard to say... R&T traders gives you NOTHING for them... but then again, half.com can be a hassle, especially if you have a lot to sell. That's why I'm leaning toward juts giving them away so I don't have to think about it. But I suppose something is better than nothing, so maybe I'll go the R&T route.
I was saying the same stuff about LB's room (she has to share) and the closet up there. "I want to move this and this and this will go here and this will go there and don't forget to pull our the exersaucer again...)

I'm 14 weeks. Can we say nesting early? But it DOES feel so FAST now. June? That's NUTTIN'!
Seriously, Mrs. Flinger... once January gets here, these months are going to FLY.

I found a few people here to donate too. Just thought I would give you another option. Great baby growing your doing. it is going super fast.
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