Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Why Am I Even Bothering Considering Keeping a Secret?

(let me preface by saying that no, I don't know what I'm having yet... didn't want that title to be misleading...)

But yeah, so anyway, I don't even know why I'm bothering thinking about trying to keep the sex of this baby a secret because apparently, everyone but me already knows it's a girl. Let's see... there's my mom and her gaggle of girlfriends, all the women at Gymboree, my internet friends... you name it. They ALL think I'm carrying a girl.

Their reasons are varying... ranging from "just a hunch" to the shape of my tummy, to the somewhat high heartrate (Ben's was high too, people!) to the fact that I have milder symptoms this time around. Luckily, no one has tried to pin me down and hold a ring on string over my stomach yet.

If it turns out to be a boy at the utlrasound, part of me wants to tell the world just so I can be all, "HAHA you were ALL wrong!"
If it turns out to be a girl, I'm going to be bursting with the news because seriously... I'm not supposed to have girls. The family statistics are stacked against me... as is the fact that I am not a fan of Barbie or the color pink.

So we'll see...

Don't worry even though you don't like Barbie and pink it quickly changes the minute you find out that you are having a girl. After 2 boys and never being a girly girl - I have loads of pink stuff and her dolls and kitchen stuff takes over the hot wheels and trains. :)
Pink has grown on me, but it started before Lily. You should give it another chance:-)
The pink doesn't bother me, it's the PURPLE! Anyway, nobody *really* knows unless the medical tests point one way or the other.

I have to say, though, I have two nieces expecting in May...I just know Becca's baby is a girl, although I have no clue what Michelle's is. How weird is that?
I HATE gender predictors-- especially the heart rate one. My SIL swears that girls give you more morning sickness. I hate that one too. I'm hiding all of my symptoms from all of my IL's and I will refuse to tell them anything about the heart rates b/c they automatically assign a gender. They did that with Emily and when we finally found out, they were like, oh yeah we already knew, no big surprise there. Arghh.

I do think people want you to have the opposite of what you had the first time around. That's why everyone wants your second to be a girl, but I hate that logic too b/c it sets you up for disappointment and it is just as exciting, if not more so with two-of-a-kind!

After being pregnant, my rule is not to guess the gender unless the parents ask for an opinion, and if they do ask, I usually guess the same as whatever the mother thinks or whatever her last gender dream was.
Welll, I hate to break this to you, but the "less sick this time around" was my reason for saying this is a BOY. But! I've been feeling pukey more now at 15 weeks than any other week so! Maybe I'll have a girl, too.

tee. (sooooooo gonna be a GIIRRLLLL)
I was convinced I was having a girl second time around because the pregnancy was SO different to my first.

My second son kind of disproved that theory, tee hee.
ya you really cant go by theorys..yet I still always try. haha I thought for SURE this one was going to be a girl. Just that "feeling". My sister, my mom, and even Kyle all thought it would be a girl. HA. we were all WRONG. This pregnancy I wasnt very sick AT ALL, the girls, I was so so sick, with Easton, sick but not like the first pg. So what does that mean? I am having a puppy? Heart rates? The girls, Ashlyn was in the 160's Haley the 150's, Easton was the 140's and lower, this little guy, 150's. carry differently? Easton was low, and more towards the back...this little boy, high and out front! ha! pregnancy dreams? I have had 3! only 3, and 2, the baby was a girl. hahahaha

But I am excited to hear you "might" share after all...yay!!
I just wanna know! Ms. Joan
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