Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Body Parts!

I can't believe I'm far enough along for this already...

So the Braxton Hicks have started. They started at this exact point last time too! So weird. I'm just going about life and all of a sudden my stomach tightens for a minute.

Anyway... so I was pushing around on my stomach, fascinated by how hard it had gotten all of a sudden. Then it was over... but wait, one side of my stomach was still solid as a rock. The other side? Squish. Right side? Rock. Left side? Squish. More exploration revealed that the rock was roundish... Tom felt it and exclaimed, "I remember feeling that before! That's a HEAD!!"

Sure enough, after we pushed on it a few more times, and then it disappeared... er.. swam away. Yup. It was SO a head.

AHHHHH! The physical reminders that there is an actual HUMAN in there always sort of throw me for a loop...

Do braxton hicks hurt? I swear the other night in my sleep, I got some pretty sharp pains, enough to wake me up to realize I was in pain, but not painful enough to have me bolting out of bed wondering what's wrong. I fell back asleep shortly after it happened. Maybe it was just really bad gas pains...
No, they shouldn't hurt at all... they just feel like a band is painlessly tightening around your midsection.... and your stomach will get really hard.

I'd guess yours was gas... I actually think that's probably what MY other stomach issue is. Ow!
oh, how fun fun! That's my most favorite part. So far all this other stuff is bunk. The kiddo in there? Totally fun to play with. :-)
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