Saturday, January 13, 2007

I'm Making a List This Time, Darn it.

Why is it, when I'm AT my monthly OB appointment, I suddenly can't remember ANY of the questions I had. And then as soon as I get out to the parking lot, I remember all 40 of them? I have SO many questions this month, including:

* (panic) Placenta! What's it doing? Will it move? Tell me it will move! Did it already move? Can we check?!

* Placenta again! Would you quality it as Marginal? Partial? or Complete? This will help me in my obsessive google searches. Thanks.

* Because of said placenta, am I going to have bleeding as I get further along? I keep reading (yeah, google again) this is a possibility as it pulls away from the bottom of the uterus. If so, I'd like to know! Yes, I realize it's supposedly harmless but if I'm going to wake up to a pool of blood one morning, I'd like to be forewarned.

* Also because of said placenta, do I need to take it easy in Disney next week? We're only going to the park one or two days... but still... ????

* Why do some of Too's 3D ultrasound pictures make it look like my baby has a HUGE foreheard and very low, weird ears? Please tell me that is just a strange angle thing and a result of them doing a 3D at only 20 weeks, because I have gone google insane with terms like "low set ears" and "big forehead". The one picture looks normal (in my banner), but the other ones are just kind of scary. I do know this child, like it's brother has a giant head. That part is in evitable. Yes, I know the ultrasound technician told me the baby is perfect, but seriously, do you SEE this forehead?!

* Prevacid! Prescription! Can I have some? Please? Pretty please?

* Still puking. No questions here. I'd just like to whine about it. I guess I'll be doing this for the next 18 weeks.

* Stomach pain after eating. What's THAT about?!

* Will you sign this consent form for me to go have my 3D u/s outside of the hospital, pretty please?

* Why am I thirsty ALL the time? I drink HUGE glasses of water all day and all night long and I'm STILL thirsty. Is this a sign I'm going to/already have gestational diabetes? Please say no. I love me some carbs.

At this point, I'm sure I'll get the "stay off of google" lecture... but hopefully, she'll have some answers...

Crossing my fingers for you on the no gestational diabetes front.
Ditto. Be sure and ask that question about being thirsty, though. And since none of us believe you will stay off Google, how about looking up happy stuff? Healthy second babies, easy second deliveries, happy moms, happy babies, big brothers that thrive on the responsibility of teaching the sibling how to push Mom's buttons. ;)
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