Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nursery Progress...

I had to do a little photoshopping... you'll have to picture the white letters above the crib yourself. Just imagine them saying:
"T-O-O" ;)

Here's the closet that I'm hoping will get me out of having to buy a dresser at some point. (it's in b&w because I realized after I took it that the colors of the clothes showed up a little too well) Also, the Disney bear on the top shelf is Three's, not the other bear just migrating all over the nursery. ;)

HAHA. You photoshoped out her/his name? You. Crack. Me. Up.

It looks lovely. Really. So cute and all ready to go (I hate you) ;-)
You crack me up! So, you are going to have to keep all family and friends out of Too's nursery then until May?? Wow!
Shouldn't be that hard... people who come over generally don't go upstairs anyway. :)
Is that Ben's bear, or did Too get one just like it?
Too has one just like it... as does Baby TBD (a.k.a. Three) :)
That's a fun little closet system - where'd you get it? I definitely need to re-do the closet system in our nursery. We just have one high rack/shelf.
That's what WE had and it was useless, plus it was falling down. Anyway, I got this one on It's the only place I could find a system to fit a 3-foot closet.
Cool! Our closet? LESS than 3 feet! (31") I found the exact shelf thingie that we have in there, and I figured I could just cut it down to put in another one - they come in 4' wide, but yours looks way fun b/c it looks adjustable.
lol! photoshopped the name really are going to the extent not to say anything arent you!? You should have picked a name that could go both ways..that would really drive everyone nuts ;) if I ever came over, I would wait til you werent looking and sneak upstairs..hehhe ;) I wonder if anyone in your family will do that :) hehe
You are really too funny. I understand keeping all of us in suspense, but it must be killing your family hehe. Especially with you teasing them all the time, I bet.

I love the nursery. Especially love that bookshelf! And I really need to get my hubby to install a system in Jack's closet.
Dawn, the family has actually stopped asking about it, which makes my life easier. Most of them never knew the gender of their babies until they were born (mom, MIL, aunts, cousins etc...) so not a huge deal around here to be kept in suspense. It is driving a few friends insane, but really most have given up at this point. ;)

I will say this... with #3? NOT finding out... and if I do break down and find out? I'm not TELLING anyone I know. Gah.
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