Thursday, January 18, 2007

That Did NOT Go As Planned...

Well, CRAP.

So yeah, doctor's appointment recap...

1) Hello COMPLETE Placenta Previa! Not partial, not marginal... oh yes, ENTIRELY covering the cervix. It gets better... definite likelihood of bleeding, though not as likely as it could be since I haven't had bleeding yet. Oh, and it gets even BETTER. Traveling? She REALLY would rather me not, but said she's not going to stop me. So I get to be paranoid the entire time I'm in Florida. It's not a matter of the walking, the flight, etc... she just would rather me not be away from her and the hospital. And if I have bleeding while I'm there? Hospital. CAH-rap. This blog does a better (and funnier) job of explaining it than I could.

She is very optimistic, as the technician was, that it will move. I have another u/s at 28 weeks and if it hasn't moved, yet another one at 32 weeks... all the way up to 36 weeks, at which point, if it STILL hasn't moved, we schedule a c-section. Can I tell you how much I do not want that? (sigh) Oh, and if I were to go into labor with placenta previa? MAJOR problem. But we won't even discuss that right now.

2) There is NOTHING stronger I can take for the the stupid acid reflux. NOTHING that she will let me take. So back to making due with my Zantac/Tums cocktail. I'm thankful I at least have the Zantac. It's mroe than I had last time and it really does make a huge difference...

3) Oh, here's something that's actually good. I showed her my 3D ultrasound pics that I was weirded out by and she assured me that Too is perfectly normal. (she also sorta laughed at me.) ;)

4) She DID sign my consent form for a 3D ultrasound. Yay! :)

5) I only gained a pound... How that happened when I was eating ice cream sundaes for a week straight, I'm not sure. However, my belly is measuring 24 weeks... a week and a half large! But, actually, I think Ben measured big at this point too, so I'm not worried about that yet. ;) Too busy freaking about my placenta, thanks.

6) I also mentioned that i was drinking nonstop. She told me it's the progesterone that is making me so thirsty. Weird. Never had this with Ben. At any rate, the glucose challenge is at 28 weeks... so we'll see.

Whoops! I posted my comment in the post below. sorry.
I'm sorry! I'll be praying your placenta moves & that you can still enjoy your trip even though your doctor scared you.
Try not to worry..easier said then done I know.. but really wait til you see where it is at your next u/s. My sister had that and hers moved..she had some bleeding too. But everything worked out fine in the end and she had a vaginal birth. So try not to worry..and as for the travelling..try not to worry about that either. (((hugs)))
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