Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I am almost 23 weeks pregnant and can still sleep on my stomach. That's strange, is it not?

I don't purposely do it... I actually start out on my left side, like a good preg. But I wake up night after night and there I am, on my stomach. I don't even understand how it's possible or even remotely comfortable. It wasn't possible with Ben by just about 10 weeks! I woke up this morning that way and spent the next five minutes poking at my stomach trying to get Too to move just to make sure I hadn't squished the poor thing to death.

Me, too!!! I'm 21 1/2 weeks (isn't it funny how important it is to say 1/2)...anyway...I'm still sleeping on my stomach, too. I asked my doctor about it and she said it was okay as long as I was comfortable. I know I was sleeping on my side by now with Laney. I have a hard time falling asleep unless I'm on my I'm glad I can still do it.
I did the same thing this time around! it started getting harder and more uncomfortable as the weeks went on..but I will still find myself sometimes more on my stomach then on my side..its strange! I freak out and move..haha I guess if he didnt like it he would tell me while I was sleeping and I would just move..but he doesnt mind I guess!it is weird compared to the other two times!
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