Thursday, March 29, 2007

American Baby's Packing List for The Bag... with Editorial Comments

Found this on my comments are in parentheses... strikethroughs are mine too. ;)

For Mom
____ Comfortable robe (what? So I can get it all bloody and gross? Besides, robes are HOT and they take up too much room in a suitcase)

____ Nightgown (yes, just not flannel)

____ Nursing bra and nursing pads (or a sports bra if you are not breastfeeding/pumping... shoot, I'm going to have a buy a nursing bra this time, aren't I? Ew!)

____ Warm socks (yes, several pair!)

____ Slippers (am I the only one who sees slippers and socks as redundant?)

____ Comfortable outfit you can wear home (and might I add, with elastic... may want to include several different shirts to make sure you have one to accomodate the giant milk-engorged boobs)

____ Sanitary pads (hospital gives them to you!)

____ Toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, moisturizer, lip balm (yes, because the hospital? Not so much a hotel... seriously, I was surprised there was no soap or shampoo on my bathroom last time! Luckily, I had brought some... but still!)

____ Hair clips, scrunchies, barrettes (eh, I guess... though I don't plan on trying to look pretty while in labor)

____ Brush or comb (yes, because though I may not want to look pretty in labor, I do eventually you want to look human again)

____ Toothbrush and toothpaste (see above reference to "hospital is not a hotel)

For Your Labor Partner
____ Change of clothes

____ Book or magazine (and some decks of cards)

____ Toothbrush, toothpaste, and other basic toiletries

____ At least $20 in cash and change for snacks, phone calls, and so forth (the cash is so they can go out and get you some real food after the birth!!!!) ;)

____ Snacks or soft drinks in small cooler (BRILLIANT! Why didn't I think of this last time?!)

____ Watch with a second hand for timing contractions (Oh whatever... I guess if this makes them feel needed or something... but uhh.. the nurses have you hooked up to a machine that does this automatically) ;)

For Baby
____ Car seat (duh)

____ Newborn hat (none of the ones you bring will fit anyway. Just let them wear the hospital hat)

____ 2 receiving blankets

____ 2 "onesies" (not onesies DUH... they still have a belly button stump! Side-snap tees!)

____ 2 pairs of socks

____ "Going home" outfit -- including sweater or bunting if the weather is cold (you may want to make this a preemie/newborn size!)

____ Diapers and diaper bag (hospital gives you diapers and unless you aren't going right home -- where else would you be going two days after giving birth?!?-- you so do not need a diaper bag)

____ Birth plan (I am a totally anal control freak and didn't not feel the need to have one of these... I did make sure I checked off "yes!! Epidural please!!!" at some point on whatever form I filled out)

____ Insurance cards

____ Address book with phone numbers (just something else to lose)

____ Birth announcements and postage stamps (seriously? Who is filling this out IN the hospital?!?)

____ Electric heated massager or tennis ball (very helpful for lower back pain or leg cramps)

____ Massage oil (ew! For labor?)

____ Personal stereo and headphones

____ Favorite tapes or compact discs

____ Some books and magazines (Now THESE I could see coming in handy between contractions)

____ Camera or video camera (make sure those batteries are charged!!!)

____ Extra pillow (yes yes yes yes yes!!!! Nothing more comforting than your OWN pillow)

____ Gift for sibling (making a big mental note about this one)

____ Hard candy to suck on during labor (because a butterscotch will take the pain away?)

____ Lanolin, if nursing

____ Cell phone

Erin's Personal Additions:

____ Laptop and charger (gotta blog through labor, right?)

____ USB Cable for digital camera (to upload those attractive conehead newborn pics!)

Hey Erin, Not that you asked for advice, but Playtex makes a really comfy nursing bra called Playtex Expectant Moments (very cheesy, isn't it?) Anyhow, it's not much to look at (what nursing bra is?), but there's not a wire in it so you can sleep in it, which is a must if you have humongo boobs filled with milk; and it is really easy to hook and unhook with one hand, keeping the other hand free to, umm, hold the baby! Anyhow, I've tried them all and for the money, this one was great. They're like $15 at target. Sorry. I swear I don't work for playtex.
What is a "side-snap tee" ? Where can I find them ?
They are just these little light cotton white tee shirts with snaps on the side... like a kimono. You can find them at Target (or anywhere in the baby department) with the onesies. :)

Erika, thanks for the bra advice! Cheap is good! :) I was afraid I was going to have to spend like $40 on an ugly nursing bra!
I got some "maternity" bras from Target online, that turned out to be nursing bras. The one, if the baby wasn't filling out my belly so high, would be quite comfortable. It might be playtex.

Also, does the hospital have wi-fi? Just curious how you blog through labor. :-)

Thanks again for a very helpful list!
a diaper bag is good to have to put the baby stuff in...i just had 2 small bags. as i didn't stay very long in hospital. but our hospitals don't provide ANYTHING. unless you didn't bring diapers or maternity pads.
I agree with your editorial comments!
I have memories of L carrying tons of stuff into the hospital and the only thing I remember needing were: cameras, pillows, change of clothes, baby outfit, and FOOD! My hospital was stingy with the baby supplies (discrimination against longer-stay c-sectioners), so this time I will bring extra diapers & wipes. are a freak!! :-) I never even packed a bag!
Can I add that you don't really need a recieving blanket, too? That's what the hospital ones are for.

(Or are we the only ones that steal hospital blankets?)
1) Is the diaper bag maybe for all the baby swag? (blankets, hats, etc)?

2) You forgot (as I put it) "Woman in a Babooshka to tell you to push"! (Or am I the only woman on Earth whose husband isn't keen on being there for the delivery and whose mother is 5 states away and less than helpful?)
Mrs. Flinger, you are not the only one. We learned to swaddle our Ben in a hospital receiving blanket, so it only seemed fitting to 'borrow' it (forever)!
We weren't allowed to take the linens from the bassinet in the hospital!!!
We took EVERYTHING in the bassinet. The nurse told us they can't reuse anything anyway and we took it all. She also gave us about 2 cartons of formula that only had two months before expiration. Did I mention that she ROCKED?

I loved having my cell phone with internet as they didn't have wireless at that time. I also did my hair and makeup every day.
I actually did fill out the birth announcements in the hospital. When the baby was sleeping and it was quiet, I filled them out :)
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