Thursday, March 08, 2007

Can We Talk Diaper Bags?

Okay, this is ridiculous, considering I have THREE diaper bags. But I think I might need a new one and I'd love recommendations from people with two kids...

I have this one:

It's lovely and large. It was a "must have" last time around because it matched my PacknPlay, stroller and infant seat. (ahhh, if I had a nickel for every "must have" that I never used...sigh...) I have used it only a handful of times, and never to carry around. I only drag it out when we are going on overnight trips and I need to pack a TON of diapers, clothes, bottles, nighttime baby supplies, formula... etc... NOT ideal for everyday use.

I also have this one: (a version of it, anyway... mine might be slightly larger)

It was my everyday diaper bag until Ben was a little under 2. After that I just resorted to throwing a diaper, some wipes, a snack and a sippy cup into my purse. I love this little bag. It's wonderful... held everything I needed to take a baby out to the grocery store, the mall, or just over to grandmom's house. Plenty of room for my wallet and keys, a couple of bottles, some formula, several diapers, a changing pad, wipes, a burp cloth... you get the picture. Not at all bulky to cart around.

I also have the free one they give you in the hospital from Enfamil. It's a little smaller than my HUGE bag and again, I have only really used it on big trips.

I'm thinking now that my beloved little Eddie Bauer bag isn't going to cut it when I need to be carrying around all the requisite newborn supplies PLUS an entire change of clothes, a snack and a sippy cup for my little preschooler/potty trainee.

I'm thinking of getting something like this one:

I don't want anything that screams "DIAPER BAG!!" You know, like this one: (ew!)

I guess what I want to know is, realistically, how much stuff will I need to be carting around and for how long? If you have a baby and a preschooler, what kind of bag do you carry and love?

when my gang was little. . .i used and loved a backpack from lands end. . . so i had my hands free and didn't have to worry about the shoulder strap slipping.
Good question! I need to know too. But I will also be carring around diapers for a two year old.
first suggestion: I got the cutest turtle backpack from target and when Easton was still wearing diapers, I would put his cup, wipes and diapers in it and he would carry it :)it was great and he loved it. For the month he trained and after as a just in case, I would just put the cup and a change of clothes in it. Worked great. Now turtle stays home but it was so nice!
Now I have a messenger bag also from target that I got for 8bucks on clearance! Its not huge but not too small, and I put all I need into it for baby, it holds my purse or wallet/keys etc. I could put it all in the front-it has the slots for cards and a zipper for money if I wanted. It has a couple outside pockets good for hand cleaner and binkies..It doesnt have a baby bag look yet works great :) it would work of i needed to put diapers or clothes for another child as well. (oh its similar to the ones they have online now actually)
My inlaws got me a bag similar to this bag I requested and I love it:
Honestly, I have the same Eddie Bauer bag that I used with just M and then for both. I was able to fit diapers (for both), wipes, my wallet, keys, snacks, crayons, small toys, etc. in it. Once M was completely potty trained I had even more room. Seriously, that bag is like the bottomless pit. I kept a change of clothes for M in the car and a onesie for the baby in the bag. If I knew I was going to be out for a long time (day in the city, plane trip) I carried my big Eddie Bauer bag instead. But for every day use the little one was great. I actually just recently downgraded to a slightly smaller purse/bag.
Before I had children I never carried a purse, so, as you can imagine, I have done all I could to not require a diaper bag. When Isaac was very small, I bought this "purse" at REI ( I really can't say enough about how awesome this bag is, and how easy it has been for me to travel around town completely prepared without carrying a ginormous diaper bag. Inside this bag I used to regularly can fit my wallet, four diapers, a travel pack of Huggies wipes, cars and small toys, a full ziploc baggie of snacks, and a light change of clothes for more than one boy (e.g. new pants+undies for Isaac, maybe a shirt + leggings for Jacob). The beauty of the bag is the deep, narrow pockets in the side -- on one side I keep a sippy cup; on the other my camera, but I have also rolled up extra shirts and pants and stuffed them in there, too. It has a little velcro-enclosed organizer in the front where I keep hand sanitizer, lotion, occasionally my cell phone, and what little makeup I do wear. You can also throw it in the washing machine when it gets coffee and spitup on it.

I do usually bring along a full change of clothes and extra diapers wherever I go, but I leave them in a tote bag in the car. Did I mention how much I love my purse?
Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure -- I *did* carry around a cheap-ass diaper bag somebody gave me until Jacob was about a month old and I knew what I was doing carting two small children around town. It does takes a little practice.
When I had a toddler, I also got him a little backpack and he carried his own stuff - diaper, underwear, change of pants and a few toys.
I use the same type of bag that Claire does. It's an REI backpack and I've managed to squeeze everything LB actually needs down to about 1/3 of the bag so I'll put the rest of CB's new stuff in there, too. It's nothing real "diaper bag-ish" but it *is* handy
Bag, what bag? ;)
For school, they each have their own bags and Beaux graduated to his own LL Bean backpack this year, which is AWESOME. He wants it on his back and he can take it from school to grandparents and whatever.
Bella has a Vera Bradley bag-- it was a gift, I promise.
When we take both of them out I usually just use a cute little polka dotted bag that is smaller than my purse and can hold 3 diapers and wipes.
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