Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hard to Believe...

Only 58 days to go... when it seems like a long time, I go back and read my archives on Tale of a Baby Human from the same point in pregnancy with Ben. He was born March 24th and I'm already at the equivalent of the end of January in the archives! Plus, there are really only 44 days to go until I'm full-term... :) (not that I'm counting on going early... been there, done that, ate the eggplant parmesan!)

Are we ready for a new member of our family?

Are we ready for another round of ZERO sleep?

Are we ready for TWO kids?

No, no and no.

I'd like to think I at least know what to expect this time, but I'm sure that will all be thrown out the window that first night home.
(have you all seen that show on TLC about the first 36 hours at home with the baby?? I keep watching it and cringing at the memory... I take some solace in the fact that for most of those people though, it's a first baby... I refuse to to spend any quality sleeping hours counting the number of pees and poops Too has)

Then again, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised and this baby will be our good sleeper/eater. I'm not counting on it though.

I'm not counting on ANYTHING... seems to me to be the best approach. ;)

i don't know what you are talking about, but i love love love the first 36 hours! and the first few days. eat, sleep, feed, sleep...and change a few dirty diapers!! so easy! and even so with a toddler. micah was so good with noah and would want to hold him.

besides, who is ever ready? but its all good anyway =)
LOL, Janelle! You are CRAZY!!!
I love watching that show too! It makes me feel like I was a great mom. Most of the people on there have no idea what they are doing. I wish they would show more people who have toddlers and a new baby. that would be more helpful to me : )
With Bella the first 36 hours were a breeze. Then she decided to have colic. Gahd.
Good for you! I agree--not counting on anything is the best approach. Too will be Too, no matter *what* went on before. And you'll be fine.
Having a second is exactly like having one in that respect -- you have no idea what you're in for until you're in the thick of it! But holding that tiny new baby, with his or her tiny new baby smell.... I'm starting to get jealous.

What?? Did I say that? Bad Claire, bad!
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