Sunday, March 11, 2007

Little By Little...

We took advantage of Tom's parents watching Ben yesterday to make a trip over to Babies R Us and get a few more things we needed for Too. I *think* I'm down to only needing some diaper genie refills, diapers, some size 1 Nuks and couple cans of formula. (oh and the diaper bag, but I'm not going to decide on that until the baby gets here, me thinks) That's pretty darn cool. :) So Too is pretty much set to come whenever in May he or she decides to. :)

On our way there, we stopped at Home Depot and ran into Krystyna and Marc. They were headed to Baby Depot to look at cribs anyway, so they ended up tagging along with us to Babies R Us to see what they had there. Not sure they found anything yet! I do remember the whole crib decision being kind of overwhelming...

In baby positioning news, well, I don't think there is any news. I tried a warmer approach last night with a heating pad on low at the bottom of my belly. Too didn't care. In fact he/she has been favoring the completely breech position lately. :(
Ow. :(

Hi erin!

sophia was breech, transverse, you name it for a long long time. I was worried too, but my doula and midwife said that babies can switch positions any time; sometimes even during labor!

However, there are a few things you can do to encourage li'l Two to switch. I think getting yourself in a downward facing dog type of position (maybe with your feet on the stairs or something) can help.

Spinning Babies has some resources about this.§ionid=1&id=25&Itemid=2

Hope that helps!
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