Friday, March 09, 2007

Reassured, But Still Uncomfortable...

I found some interesting articles/stats last night online about babies turning. How it's a natural instinct for them... and unless there is a reason they can't turn (stuck, umbilical cord around the neck, too big), they will. The stats for a baby being breech at 30 weeks are actually pretty high... something like 30%, and of that 30%, only something like 2.5% actually stay breech by 40 weeks. So I felt a lot better.


"A Breech Baby*
As a baby reaches full maturity at about 37 weeks, he becomes heavier and tips head-down. Some babies, however, remain breech until term.

If a baby is in the breech position at term he may be delivered by Caesarean section. If your baby is breech in the last weeks of pregnancy, though, you can be reassured that he will probably turn himself before labour actually begins:
"30% of babies are breech at 30 weeks. Over half of these will turn spontaneously during the next two weeks.
14% of babies are still breech at 32 weeks. There is a 60 percent chance that a baby that is bottom-down will turn of his own accord before labour starts.
Less than 5% of babies are still breech at 37 weeks. A quarter of these will turn on their own, although this is less likely if the legs are extended or there isn’t enough room in the uterus, for instance because it is a multiple pregnancy or the baby is too large.
A few babies will kick themselves round once labour starts, as long as there is room. "
But here's the thing. My stomach is going to explode in the meantime! There is SO much pressure. It is going to feel SO good when this baby finally turns. Almost as good as the minute it exits my body altogether.

I think he/she IS making an effort to maneuver around. The head goes anywhere from (if YOU are looking at my stomach) ten o'clock to five o'clock at any given point during the day. The problem is that the bottom half doesn't seem to go anywhere! Too is a contortionist! Hopefully the kiddo gets the whole thing coordinated soon... before the belly explosion happens... because that will be messy.

Check out, they give all sorts of things you can do to encourage Too to turn. A was head down until 38wks when she went footling breech for no good reason. I did had some voodoo-magic called moxibustion done and she flipped back to the right position.
After enduring a breech baby thru 40 weeks myself, I would be VERY encouraged by the fact that Too seems willing to move now.
Katie, good to know! And sounds like you know the discomfort of which I speak!!! AAAACK!
I think I vaguely remember reading something about subsequent babies not turning and engaging as early as first babies did...
I'm glad google was kind to you for once instead of the usual paranoia he likes to bestow. :-) Sounds like all good points.
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