Friday, March 02, 2007

Turn... Turn... Turn...

Too is still sideways... :( It hurts. And so will the c-section I'll have to have if Too stays this way. MOVE MOVE MOVE, darn it!

I came across two interesting pieces of information concerning the transverse position while I was googling how to encourage the baby to turn.

1) It generally occurs when you've already given birth before... something about the uterus being NICE and stretched out.

2) They see an increased instance of it in women who have toddlers and have to pick them up all the time.

Actually, I am long past picking Ben up/carrying him except to get into his carseat or a grocery cart, but I don' t know how I can eliminate those last two things.

Heeding some of the other advice, I've been trying to spend some time on all fours several times a day now... yeah, that's fun.

Another recommendation is swimming but I don't have access to an indoor pool at the moment. Working on that one though.

And another interesting one I came across is to wear bicycle shorts all the time. Apparently this makes the baby very uncomfortable to stay in the sideways position. What I don't get is how the bicycle shorts are any different from the oh-so-stylish panel pants I'm already wearing all day every day? Maybe I just need to tighten the elastic a little... hrm...

Did you read anything about the laying on your back with your butt up in the air? I did that with LB. Or of reading to them low in the uterus? Mr. Flinger did that, too. I know I read them somewhere but it would be nice to know they're still valid ways of trying to turn the kid since I always felt pretty dumb doing it. :-)
And bicycle shorts on pregnant women are just HOT!!!
And bicycle shorts on pregnant women are just HOT!!!
Go to the light!! Hold a flashlight low on your belly... sounds funny but thats what they told my sister and it worked. :) there is also a procedure you can do where they move the baby..heard its really uncomfortable and can hurt..also- you really do have time still.. Hudson went from breech to head down SEVERAL times in the 34-38 week time frame..dont know how lol but he did.
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