Wednesday, April 11, 2007

34-Week Appointment...

Nothing nada zip zilch to report. Gained two pounds. Blood pressure normal. Pee in a cup normal. Measuring 34 weeks exactly. Head down. My doctor ended my appointment with: "Next time we'll do another ultrasound just to double check position and a Strep-B culture!" (like this was all something exciting to look forward too) Hooray. A pants-off appointment, and I won't even get any dilation news. Blehhhh...

She also pretty much burst my bubble on a delivery-room surprise I wanted to spring on someone. Stupid hospital rules. :(

Wow, you're at pants-off already? WoW!

Someone ruined your surprise? :-( Rules, Smules. It's not like you'll be having a freakin' party in there.
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