Tuesday, April 10, 2007

At Least I'm Not On an Island and Being Forced to Eat Bugs...

39 days!! Do you see my ticker!! 39 days!!! That's as long as the castaways are on the island on Survivor! I can handle that! ;)

As far as how things are going? The following are observations and notes more so than complaints... for when I might be feeling inclined to do this one more time....not that it'll disuade me, I'm sure.

I'm not sleeping very well these days. I thought I had a handle on the acid reflux thing, but the last couple days have been pretty bad. Is it possible to become Zantac-tolerant? Because I think I have. The morning puking has also come back, I'm sure a result of the nighttime acid issues. Adding to the not sleeping well problem is the sheer weight of the baby. Staying in any one position for too long just hurts. Understandable, considering Too probably weighs about five pounds these days. I alternate at night between the 90-degree acid-friendly position, a more comfortable 45-degreeish elevated position and my left and right sides. All these positions are painful to get into. Between all the shifting around and the trips to the bathroom, I probably sleep about two hours or so at a time. That's okay though. It's good practice. ;) And surprisingly, most days, I don't feel particuarly sleep deprived. Tired, yes, but not in a state of complete zombie-dom.

I've been having a lot Braxton Hicks contractions... some actually a little uncomfortable. There is also some cramping on one side. (the side the baby ISN'T situated in) I'm not sure why one side or what that's about. It was pretty uncomfortable when I was walking around the mall yesterday. I was actually hunching over Ben's stroller for support. It's still too early to be talking real contractions and labor and whatnot, but I plan on mentioning it to my doctor tomorrow anyway. It'll probably earn me a trip to the fetal monitor, I'm sure, during which time the baby will be sleeping and my uterus will be doing absolutely nothing extraordinary.

There was a thread on my expecting club message board about how to check your own cervix for dilation. I think I'll pass on that, thanks. I'd probably end up breaking my own water and then we'd really have a mess now, wouldn't we?

The doctor starts checking that in two weeks, I think. I'll be curious to see where I am, if anywhere. I've heard when it's not your first baby, you often start out a centimeter or two ahead of the game.That'd be nice!

I am having similar braxton-hicks/painful cramping too. Your description is just how I would describe my experience too (painful, on one side, you have to sit or lean for support). What are those???

You are so close to d-day.....wow!
NO idea... but I'll ask me doctor and get back to you! I find it very strange that they are only on one side!! I mean, I've had plenty of regular/real contractions (with Ben) and they wrap all the way around
"as long as the castaways are on the island on Survivor" LOL
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