Friday, April 27, 2007

Freaking OUT...

No, not me, my husband.

He is practically having anxiety attacks over the sleepless nights that are bearing down on us. It's a HUNDRED times worse this time because he knows what to expect. I keep telling him it's going to better this time because we know a few tricks... also, Too could be a completely different baby. (Ben was pretty hard on us in the sleep department for quite some time.)

The man needs his sleep, I know this. But I really do think we're going to have an easier time of the whole thing this time around...he's not buying it. Poor guy. :( He was pretty ecstatic when I told him he didn't have to stay in the at least he'll be nice and refreshed for when we bring Too home.

I'm starting to feel like he's missing out on some of the excitement of having a new baby already because he's so worried and full of dread about what's coming! It's kind of sad. I kind of liked it better when we were both oblivious to how it was going to be the first few weeks/months. :(

I remember just as well as he does how hard it was... but for some reason, I'm not really thinking about it yet. Maybe it's because at the moment, trading some sleep for no more heartburn and puking sounds like a fair deal. I may be singing a different tune in a couple of weeks.

I am feeling the same dread as Tom. We had to get rid of our spare bedroom to create a "big girl" room for Laney. So, there goes the room my husband and I can retreat to in order to get some peace and quiet. Brett is really going to miss it this time because after his paternity leave was over last time, I would take Laney into the spare room so he could get some sleep. I told him this morning, "I think no one in this house is going to get any sleep once Haven gets here." This comment was prompted because I was up from 4-6 last night with Laney because her nose was running and she couldn't sleep. I don't know how I'm going to handle two!
Diana, that's kind of what has prompted Tom's freakout too.. Ben has been up A LOT lately because of his allergies. The poor kid can't breathe. :( So Tom is starting to be reminded of what it's like to be up all hours.
I am not really thinking about the sleepless nights...yet. I know I got through it the first time, so I can do it again. Plus With Luke I had to go back to work full time and would be up at night with him. So not working this time will make it easier. Plus i figure Josh can go sleep in bed with Luke if things get bad for them ; )
Just think, in the timeline of pregnancy, today is when I had Rece!!
In the first few weeks, Mike and I each took a child. I was up every night with Jacob because I was nursing, but if Isaac woke up it was Mike's responsibility. I think I remember most days Mike coming home from work and laying right down on the couch for a nap, but he didn't complain ONCE, and it was certainly a favorable arrangement for him!
I am getting nervous about the sleep issue too, but I don't have to go in to an office everyday.

When Em was born, L slept on the basement pull-out and caught up on all of his sleep. It helped a lot.

We'll try the same this time around.

The only hitch will be if Emily wakes at night-- then we'll have to play it by ear. Luckily, Emily's new bed has a trundle, so if things get tough, the trundle can act as a spare bed.
Having a child that cannot breathe is the worst. Laney slept from 11:30 til 2:00 last night and then cried every 15 minutes after that. She has a fever that we can't get to break and just cries and cries because she hurts all over. She is miserable...and we are miserable for her. I guess this is getting us really prepared for no sleep. With Laney, our cat was sick before she was born and we had to wake up every 2 hours and feed him baby food (turkey) or he would get throw up. I just hope Laney doesn't start throwing up.

Congrats on 37 weeks! I hope to find out on Monday when we might induce. We really need to get together and discuss this so both kids can share the same birthday!
i think it was definitely easier with #2. andy would go to comfort #1 if needed and i took care of #2. but it wasn't bad.
tell tom, not to worry. =) just enjoy!
Ahh, y'all. You do know more this time around. I'm a bit more freaked out than mr. Flinger is, actually, but I can sympathize with what you're saying. It'll be hard, sure, but it's also ok. You know for a fact that it doesn't last forever. (First time around I thought she wouldn't sleep until she left home at 18...)
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