Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Stocking Up...

A trip to BRU today with COUPONS (woohoo!!) yielded a can of formula ($21.99!! Great price!!), a box of the diaper bag formula packet thingies and a box of newborn size diapers ($5 off!!) I also stocked up on baby lotion, baby bath and shampoo.

As I was unloading all the stuff into Too's room, I noticed the count on the side of the diaper box... 96. It's very depressing to my wallet to know that that is only about the equiavalent of 10-12 days in Too's newborn life.

I wish I could remember how long Ben was in the newborn size before we moved up to the size 1's. Once Too is in those, I can switch to the Luv's, which are mucho cheaper! Some people are lucky that their kids start right in with the 1's... us, not so much. I suppose I could be wrong about Too, but I doubt it, especially after hearing the doctor's size estimate last week. If I am wrong, and Too is bigger than we think, there are plenty of my currently pregnant friends who are due after me who would be happy to benefit from any unused newborn diapers I have! :)

**Update** For what it's worth, I just found the Newborn Pampers on Amazon for $6 less than I paid with a coupon at Babies R Us!! Grrr!!! AND, if I subscribed to their delivery service (which you can cancel whenever and costs nothing), I'd have gotten them for $10 less!!!

Ooh, formula packet thingies look very handy!! I remember my friend Ann carrying around a whole can of formula with bottles of water and having to scoop and mix with her kiddo. That looks much more handy.
Val, you know what else I do that works really well? I have a formula thingy with dividers... (babies r us in the bottle section) each section holds a measured amount. Then you can just carry that and a couple bottles with the right amount of water already in them and mix it whenever you need to. I can only really use the single serve packets when the baby eats 4 oz or 8oz, since there are 4 oz in each one, so I'll probably only use this one box I bought the WHOLE time Too is on formula. They ARE handy though. Plus, I can leave a few at my parents' house and my inlaws' house...
For what it's worth, since I know that a bunch of your friends are preganant too, I read a blog called Super Cool Baby, written by a mom who links tons of nifty baby stuff. Today she posted that The Baby Center Store has some great sales for April. Here's a link to the entry at SCB:

I had that divider container as well. I also would just take two bottles and put the powder in and then later add the bottled water and shake it up.
Wow, has it really been 2 years since I had a newborn? And, has it ONLY been two years since I had a newborn?
Thanks for the Amazon tip on the diapers, I just ordered 2 boxes :)
We went out of newborns pretty quick. Normally in them much longer! I couldnt believe it. we have half a pack left! We are already in 2's. 1's were short lived as well!!! who is this baby I have?? lol. I have some enfamil formula we wont use.(the cans that come in the bags and the packets) want them?
Bree, I'd love them! Let me know how much shipping is and I'll either send you a check or $$ through Paypal! :)
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