Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday Randomness...

* I had to break out the maternity shorts. I'm not liking them, though at least the pair I am currently wearing don't come down to my knees like most others I've found. Shorts that come down to my knees make me look like a midget little person. And when I'm pregnant, they make me look like a fat little person with swollen ankles.

* Speaking of swollen ankles, they have arrived. I discovered last night that they now have that fun playdough-like quality where I can push on them and make dents. Joy.

* I just printed out a May calendar. It has my due date on it. That's weird. Also, I just put something back in the fridge that expires BEYOND my due date. Equally weird.

* My brother-in-law is startlingly sure he knows what I am having. He claims he knows for sure because of something Ben said and a couple other context clues. I can't confirm nor deny if he is right, but I can't wait to have this baby and then ask him specifically why he was so sure! I have wracked my brain and can't figure out what it was!! However, I did realize earlier that I slipped up BIGTIME last night with our dinner company when I said something (after he told me he knew for sure) that most definitely would have given away Too's gender if put together with some other information they already had... now I am left to wonder if any of them noticed? (if anyone did, it was my SIL) MY GOSH I can not WAIT for this to be over. I'm so desperate to tell someone, ANYONE, that I actually offered Too's gender in exchange for Sprout's gender last night. Gah.

* I am tired. And hot. Hot and tired. I would not do well with being pregnant in the summertime. Those of you who will be? I wish you luck. But me? I would be a whiny baby about it. I also don't think I would leave the house.

Yes, I am looking foward to being pregnant during the wonderful summer heat. Plus, I refuse to wear shorts this year because of the horribly ugly scar on my knee. I'm planning on only leaving the cool air conditioning of my house to swim in the cool water of my pool. :)
Thanks for wishing us summertime preggos luck. I did not think it would be bad but after the heat of today and yesterday I am not so sure. I too will be indoors or in the pool!
Heck, I've known for MONTHS now about Too... At least I'm 90% sure. So, nothing *too* shocking was revealed, just more fuel for the speculation fires. ;)

And yes, I do know that I'm totally screwed when it comes to keeping Sprout's identity a secret for another 4 long months.
Nothing "too" shocking... nyuk nyuk nyuk. ;)
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