Monday, April 02, 2007

That Darn Cat...

A post over on Val's blog the other day reminded me I forgot to tell you what my vindictive cat did two nights ago!

The previous day, I had JUST washed, dried and put the new sheets and mattress pad into Too's crib. I tied the bumpers on (pain in the butt in case you've never done it)... carefully placed the loveys in there and folded the blanket over the railing.

Saturday night, I heard Tom yelling at the cat from downstairs. He called me up and hey, guess what? STUPID CAT POOPED IN THE CRIB. Not once, but twice. With the poop, there is always pee, you just can't always see it. So yay! Not only that, he had gotten the sheet AND the brand new cuddly loveys. STUPID STUPID STUPID CAT.

Luckily, seeing as it is a crib and all, the mattress pad is waterproof (as is the mattress, come to think of it)... but what a pain. Everything has since been rewashed and put back. (took me a half hour to tie those bumpers back on!!!) Now the door is shut for good until I get home from the hospital. (and possibly longer depending on the cat's reaction to a second tiny human in our house)

It's fortunate for the cat that he has a very sweet demeanor and other than this very occasional (though VERY annoying) vindictive pooping/peeing thing, he is a nice pet. But GRRRR!!!! I'm very much more concerned about the cat acting out when we bring Too home than I am about Benjamin acting out! The pediatrician kept telling me the other day I needed to give Ben some "big brother" resposibilities when the baby comes home, so maybe I'll kill two birds with one stone and put him on pee watch!

If it makes you feel ANY better, our cat has decided to pee in our basement again - on the NEW carpet! Don's taking apart my desk to get behind it tonight, to thoroughly clean, steam clean, and cover the area back there where he's peed.

Stupid cat. I'd be really, really mad at him and want to send him packing, if he weren't so pathetic being sick lately.
I am ready to send my cat packing just for the fact that she takes pride in waking up the baby!
Put a sheet of foil in the crib, on the changing table...anywhere you don't want the cat. Cats and dogs do not like foil and will not step on it. Unfortunately, our cat developed a peeing-everywhere-but-the-litterbox problem when we were on a long vacation, so I know your misery all too well. Constant vigilace is required since she now prefers piles of laundry to her box.
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