Monday, April 09, 2007

Too in Motion...

35 seconds or so of Too with the hiccups.

As a sidenote, Baby Too gets hiccups 2 or 3 times EVERY DAY. So did Benjamin. Benjamin also had some colic and reflux issues. I sincerely hope the two are not related. That was NO FUN. Also interesting to note, the hiccups are in the bottom left side of my pelvis, just like Ben's always were. Apparently, the right side of my uterus is uninhabitable or something.

Luke had the hiccups all the time too! But no colic or reflux so hopefully for you, Too will not have those problems. My baby #2 has not had the hiccups yet... it is kinda weird. i keep waiting for them.
Jen, Too's didn't start this time until just a few weeks ago. I kept waiting and waiting for them too!! I like when they have hiccups because I can tell where/how the baby is laying. ;)
Mine just started a few weeks ago, too, that I noticed anyway. It's really fun when I wake up at 3 am and then the kid gets the hiccups, keeping me awake even longer.
Both of my boys were serious hiccuppers in utero, and neither of them were colicky. Maybe the boob juice will help this time around?
OH. My. Gah. I hadn't thought of the colic/reflux connection. CB had the hiccups for the third time THIS MORNING and I thought, "Oh! Grow lungs, grow!" Didn't even consider the other stuff. OY.

You crack me up. Your belly looks like mine, too. The hicup moving thing is so cool. (Of course, it's not a foot or a hand or something, but it's still cool)
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