Wednesday, May 23, 2007

And Cue the Next Act...

It seems the baby has a cold... he sniffled, gagged and coughed all night long. The only way he could sleep was on his tummy laying on one of us.

(what you didn't expect Simon to get in on the action?)

Also, I STILL have a 103 fever. Motrin brings it down to 99-something temporarily, but as soon as it wears off, it shoots right back up again. I'm starting to think the mastitis diagnosis was wrong, especially since I now have three doses of the antibiotic in me. Anyone who has had mastitis have any thoughts on this?

OH... and Ben had a 99.4 fever last night.

OH... and I have to get both boys to the doctor this morning. (thankfully, my mom is coming to help because I'm pretty sure I'd be a driving hazard right now)

I'm trying to decide if this qualifies as an "emergency" because my doctor's office isn't open yet and my only option is to page her. I'm guessing it's NOT.

I am not a doctor, but it was my understanding that a few doses of antibiotics should basically take care of your mastitis, provided the bacteria are susceptible to the drugs you're taking (which they usually are). If you have localized pain around a milk duct or two, I would still suspect mastitis.

But on the other hand, I think you're wondering now if you don't have what the boys have. Ben had (and still has!) a similar fever, right? And it sounds like, god forbid, Simon is coming down with the same thing.

I would make sure to call your doctor and report that you still feel awful. Hopefully the boys' doctor can figure out what's wrong with them and maybe kill three birds with one stone?

But in the poor lady! Get some help if you can!
I am so glad that your Mom is going to be able to help you out! You poor thing! Hopefully the boys' doctor will be able to figure out what is going on with them and get them on the road to recovery, and that you are feeling better as well! I agree with Claire about calling your doctor and letting them know that you are still feeling awful. Get well soon you guys!!!
I never had mastitis, but my sister had it multiple times with her last baby. She had the high fever and pain in her breast and upper arm. Is it possible you have an immunity to the antibiotics? Or, it could be what the boys have.

I'd call your doctor again b/c your fever is so high-- to be safe.

I hope you feel better soon!
will be praying for you and the boys today...don't worry, things will get better. and easier =)
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