Saturday, March 31, 2007
33-Week Belly Pic...
Still feels bigger than it is!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Where is the Justice?
I have puked four five six times today... seriously... could someone please just knock me out for the next seven weeks or so?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
American Baby's Packing List for The Bag... with Editorial Comments
Found this on my comments are in parentheses... strikethroughs are mine too. ;)
For Mom
____ Comfortable robe (what? So I can get it all bloody and gross? Besides, robes are HOT and they take up too much room in a suitcase)
____ Nightgown (yes, just not flannel)
____ Nursing bra and nursing pads (or a sports bra if you are not breastfeeding/pumping... shoot, I'm going to have a buy a nursing bra this time, aren't I? Ew!)
____ Warm socks (yes, several pair!)
____ Slippers (am I the only one who sees slippers and socks as redundant?)
____ Comfortable outfit you can wear home (and might I add, with elastic... may want to include several different shirts to make sure you have one to accomodate the giant milk-engorged boobs)
____ Sanitary pads (hospital gives them to you!)
____ Toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, moisturizer, lip balm (yes, because the hospital? Not so much a hotel... seriously, I was surprised there was no soap or shampoo on my bathroom last time! Luckily, I had brought some... but still!)
____ Hair clips, scrunchies, barrettes (eh, I guess... though I don't plan on trying to look pretty while in labor)
____ Brush or comb (yes, because though I may not want to look pretty in labor, I do eventually you want to look human again)
____ Toothbrush and toothpaste (see above reference to "hospital is not a hotel)
For Your Labor Partner
____ Change of clothes
____ Book or magazine (and some decks of cards)
____ Toothbrush, toothpaste, and other basic toiletries
____ At least $20 in cash and change for snacks, phone calls, and so forth (the cash is so they can go out and get you some real food after the birth!!!!) ;)
____ Snacks or soft drinks in small cooler (BRILLIANT! Why didn't I think of this last time?!)
____ Watch with a second hand for timing contractions (Oh whatever... I guess if this makes them feel needed or something... but uhh.. the nurses have you hooked up to a machine that does this automatically) ;)
For Baby
____ Car seat (duh)
____ Newborn hat (none of the ones you bring will fit anyway. Just let them wear the hospital hat)
____ 2 receiving blankets
____ 2 "onesies" (not onesies DUH... they still have a belly button stump! Side-snap tees!)
____ 2 pairs of socks
____ "Going home" outfit -- including sweater or bunting if the weather is cold (you may want to make this a preemie/newborn size!)
____Diapers and diaper bag (hospital gives you diapers and unless you aren't going right home -- where else would you be going two days after giving birth?!?-- you so do not need a diaper bag)
____ Birth plan (I am a totally anal control freak and didn't not feel the need to have one of these... I did make sure I checked off "yes!! Epidural please!!!" at some point on whatever form I filled out)
____ Insurance cards
____ Address book with phone numbers (just something else to lose)
____ Birth announcements and postage stamps (seriously? Who is filling this out IN the hospital?!?)
____ Electric heated massager or tennis ball (very helpful for lower back pain or leg cramps)
____ Massage oil (ew! For labor?)
____ Personal stereo and headphones
____ Favorite tapes or compact discs
____ Some books and magazines (Now THESE I could see coming in handy between contractions)
____ Camera or video camera (make sure those batteries are charged!!!)
____ Extra pillow (yes yes yes yes yes!!!! Nothing more comforting than your OWN pillow)
____ Gift for sibling (making a big mental note about this one)
____ Hard candy to suck on during labor (because a butterscotch will take the pain away?)
____ Lanolin, if nursing
____ Cell phone
Erin's Personal Additions:
____ Laptop and charger (gotta blog through labor, right?)
____ USB Cable for digital camera (to upload those attractive conehead newborn pics!)
For Mom
____ Nightgown (yes, just not flannel)
____ Nursing bra and nursing pads (or a sports bra if you are not breastfeeding/pumping... shoot, I'm going to have a buy a nursing bra this time, aren't I? Ew!)
____ Warm socks (yes, several pair!)
____ Comfortable outfit you can wear home (and might I add, with elastic... may want to include several different shirts to make sure you have one to accomodate the giant milk-engorged boobs)
____ Toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, moisturizer, lip balm (yes, because the hospital? Not so much a hotel... seriously, I was surprised there was no soap or shampoo on my bathroom last time! Luckily, I had brought some... but still!)
____ Hair clips, scrunchies, barrettes (eh, I guess... though I don't plan on trying to look pretty while in labor)
____ Brush or comb (yes, because though I may not want to look pretty in labor, I do eventually you want to look human again)
____ Toothbrush and toothpaste (see above reference to "hospital is not a hotel)
For Your Labor Partner
____ Change of clothes
____ Book or magazine (and some decks of cards)
____ Toothbrush, toothpaste, and other basic toiletries
____ At least $20 in cash and change for snacks, phone calls, and so forth (the cash is so they can go out and get you some real food after the birth!!!!) ;)
____ Snacks or soft drinks in small cooler (BRILLIANT! Why didn't I think of this last time?!)
For Baby
____ Car seat (duh)
____ 2 receiving blankets
____ 2 pairs of socks
____ "Going home" outfit -- including sweater or bunting if the weather is cold (you may want to make this a preemie/newborn size!)
____ Insurance cards
____ Some books and magazines (Now THESE I could see coming in handy between contractions)
____ Camera or video camera (make sure those batteries are charged!!!)
____ Extra pillow (yes yes yes yes yes!!!! Nothing more comforting than your OWN pillow)
____ Gift for sibling (making a big mental note about this one)
____ Lanolin, if nursing
____ Cell phone
Erin's Personal Additions:
____ Laptop and charger (gotta blog through labor, right?)
____ USB Cable for digital camera (to upload those attractive conehead newborn pics!)
Heads or Tails...
So, while I spent a good deal of yesterday quietly celebrating Too's newfound position, I had to consciously tell myself not to worry about any flipping the baby may or may not do. It was hard because late in the day, I started feeling what I have been labeling "the head" again in my side. But I'm trying my best to put it out of my mind and just trust the doctor. There's a reason she went to school for a million years, right? Besides, it might not even be a head, maybe it's a knee... I give up!
Either way, I am shockingly excited about the probability of a regular old "baby canon" type birth and will start planning accordingly until I hear anything different.
I guess in the next couple of weeks I should think about packing The Bag. I took way too much stuff last time that I didn't need and not enough stuff that I did need, so I'm keeping it to just the basics this time.
And now I know things like: A flannel night shirt? NOT so much a good idea. (hey, no one warned me about the night sweats!!) I think I'll probably just stick with the hospital issue gown this time or a nice, cheap pair of pj's from Old Navy or something.
I also won't be taking diapers or giant maxipads (heh, what's the difference, really?) since the hospital provides both... binkies, yes (so Too doesn't get attached to that ugly, hard-to-replace hospital one), coming home outfit, MATERNITY/stretchy clothes for me (made that mistake last time too), toiletries and FOOD. I will not be stuck in my room at 4a.m. wide awake and starving again while helplessly waiting for the hospital tray! I heard a rumor that food is available 24-7 on the mother/baby unit at my hospital, but no one mentioned it last time, so I'm not sure how that works. I just know I was awake and hungry several nights in a row!
It's very weird that I am suddenly this close to THE END. In only four weeks it will be a "could be any minute" scenario... I hate not knowing how it will play out, but that's just the control freak in me. As much as that part of me would like to be induced again, I think it's probably best I just wait it out this time... we shall see what happens!
Either way, I am shockingly excited about the probability of a regular old "baby canon" type birth and will start planning accordingly until I hear anything different.
I guess in the next couple of weeks I should think about packing The Bag. I took way too much stuff last time that I didn't need and not enough stuff that I did need, so I'm keeping it to just the basics this time.
And now I know things like: A flannel night shirt? NOT so much a good idea. (hey, no one warned me about the night sweats!!) I think I'll probably just stick with the hospital issue gown this time or a nice, cheap pair of pj's from Old Navy or something.
I also won't be taking diapers or giant maxipads (heh, what's the difference, really?) since the hospital provides both... binkies, yes (so Too doesn't get attached to that ugly, hard-to-replace hospital one), coming home outfit, MATERNITY/stretchy clothes for me (made that mistake last time too), toiletries and FOOD. I will not be stuck in my room at 4a.m. wide awake and starving again while helplessly waiting for the hospital tray! I heard a rumor that food is available 24-7 on the mother/baby unit at my hospital, but no one mentioned it last time, so I'm not sure how that works. I just know I was awake and hungry several nights in a row!
It's very weird that I am suddenly this close to THE END. In only four weeks it will be a "could be any minute" scenario... I hate not knowing how it will play out, but that's just the control freak in me. As much as that part of me would like to be induced again, I think it's probably best I just wait it out this time... we shall see what happens!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Hallejuah, Too Found the Way!
Driving to my OB appointment this afternoon, I KNOW there was a head in my side. I am NOT crazy...
But I went into the exam room and had the usual 45-second pee in a cup, measure the belly yada yada... then before my doctor could flee, I exclaimed, "This baby is upside down!! What are we going to do?" She stopped in her tracks and said, "Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure I felt the head low." I explained that I JUST had an ultrasound last weekend and Too was 100% transverse with one foot over the head and one down underneath. She admitted that she had been keeping track of Too's transverseness over the last few appointments, but again, was fairly certain he/she was head down today.
Then, because I had apparently peaked her curiousity, she ushered me into another exam room with an ultrasound machine. (an OLLLLLLD dinosaur one that reminded me of the computers you see on "Lost") She plopped the probe down on my belly and sure enough, Too's head was down... I have no idea when my sneaky little baby flipped, but I swear it had to have been between the ride over and the walk to the office.
She was all smart-alecky about it too: "See? Head! Down here! Abdomen... up there! You have to trust me!"
Yeah, yeah... :P
She also said Too SHOULD stay head down at this point, but that if he/she goes breech again, not to be concerned because there is plenty of room still.
She ALSO said "fooey" to that ultrasound tech's measurements. She thinks Too is barely 4 pounds at this point and will probably top out at 7-1/2 when it's all said and done.
And a big sigh of relief was heard from me!
There was also a big sigh of relief after I got on the scale and learned I had only gained a pound. I've been eating Ben's leftover birthday cake since Sunday and frankly, I was a little worried.
But I went into the exam room and had the usual 45-second pee in a cup, measure the belly yada yada... then before my doctor could flee, I exclaimed, "This baby is upside down!! What are we going to do?" She stopped in her tracks and said, "Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure I felt the head low." I explained that I JUST had an ultrasound last weekend and Too was 100% transverse with one foot over the head and one down underneath. She admitted that she had been keeping track of Too's transverseness over the last few appointments, but again, was fairly certain he/she was head down today.
Then, because I had apparently peaked her curiousity, she ushered me into another exam room with an ultrasound machine. (an OLLLLLLD dinosaur one that reminded me of the computers you see on "Lost") She plopped the probe down on my belly and sure enough, Too's head was down... I have no idea when my sneaky little baby flipped, but I swear it had to have been between the ride over and the walk to the office.
She was all smart-alecky about it too: "See? Head! Down here! Abdomen... up there! You have to trust me!"
Yeah, yeah... :P
She also said Too SHOULD stay head down at this point, but that if he/she goes breech again, not to be concerned because there is plenty of room still.
She ALSO said "fooey" to that ultrasound tech's measurements. She thinks Too is barely 4 pounds at this point and will probably top out at 7-1/2 when it's all said and done.
And a big sigh of relief was heard from me!
There was also a big sigh of relief after I got on the scale and learned I had only gained a pound. I've been eating Ben's leftover birthday cake since Sunday and frankly, I was a little worried.
Doctor Today...
Too and I have a doctor's appointment today... so more later, I'm sure. Hopefully we can address this whole upside down baby thing for more than three seconds this time. Grrr...
Monday, March 26, 2007
Pregnancy By The Numbers Too...
In honor of this post I found on my original blog... I give you, the sequel.
Days until my due date (5/19): 54
Days until my wishful thinking due date (Mother's Day) (5/13): 48
Days until Too can officially be evicted safely (4/30):34 -- but yeah, not exactly pinning my hopes on that!
Days I have been pregnant: 212
Comfort level (on a scale of 1(comfy)- 10(uncomfy): 5
Also, a new category--
The longest amount of time this could possibly continue: 68 days (Dear God, please no... Thank you, Amen)
Days until my due date (5/19): 54
Days until my wishful thinking due date (Mother's Day) (5/13): 48
Days until Too can officially be evicted safely (4/30):34 -- but yeah, not exactly pinning my hopes on that!
Days I have been pregnant: 212
Comfort level (on a scale of 1(comfy)- 10(uncomfy): 5
Also, a new category--
The longest amount of time this could possibly continue: 68 days (Dear God, please no... Thank you, Amen)
Saturday, March 24, 2007
32 Weeks...
Let's sum up:
* upside down baby
* broken rib
* still puking
* Too still moving and shaking quite a bit in there
* LOTS of baby hiccups these days, which is good... it means Too is practicing breathing! :) It also helps me keep track of where that big coconut head is.
According to my home scale I haven't gained any weight in the last 2-1/2 weeks, but we'll see what the doctor's scale says on Wednesday.
Belly pic later! :)
* upside down baby
* broken rib
* still puking
* Too still moving and shaking quite a bit in there
* LOTS of baby hiccups these days, which is good... it means Too is practicing breathing! :) It also helps me keep track of where that big coconut head is.
According to my home scale I haven't gained any weight in the last 2-1/2 weeks, but we'll see what the doctor's scale says on Wednesday.
Belly pic later! :)
Friday, March 23, 2007
Trying to Escape...
I swear Too was trying to make a break for it last night... my stomach was jumping and rocking and rolling like crazy! I grabbed my camera and was about to take a video when, as usual, Too got camera shy. Argh.
Anyone who might be speculating that perhaps all the action was my directionally challenged child was making an attempt to turn? Perhaps. But he/she was not successful.
Big ol' coconut head in my left side. Check.
Anyone who might be speculating that perhaps all the action was my directionally challenged child was making an attempt to turn? Perhaps. But he/she was not successful.
Big ol' coconut head in my left side. Check.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Hard to Believe...
Only 58 days to go... when it seems like a long time, I go back and read my archives on Tale of a Baby Human from the same point in pregnancy with Ben. He was born March 24th and I'm already at the equivalent of the end of January in the archives! Plus, there are really only 44 days to go until I'm full-term... :) (not that I'm counting on going early... been there, done that, ate the eggplant parmesan!)
Are we ready for a new member of our family?
Are we ready for another round of ZERO sleep?
Are we ready for TWO kids?
No, no and no.
I'd like to think I at least know what to expect this time, but I'm sure that will all be thrown out the window that first night home.
(have you all seen that show on TLC about the first 36 hours at home with the baby?? I keep watching it and cringing at the memory... I take some solace in the fact that for most of those people though, it's a first baby... I refuse to to spend any quality sleeping hours counting the number of pees and poops Too has)
Then again, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised and this baby will be our good sleeper/eater. I'm not counting on it though.
I'm not counting on ANYTHING... seems to me to be the best approach. ;)
Are we ready for a new member of our family?
Are we ready for another round of ZERO sleep?
Are we ready for TWO kids?
No, no and no.
I'd like to think I at least know what to expect this time, but I'm sure that will all be thrown out the window that first night home.
(have you all seen that show on TLC about the first 36 hours at home with the baby?? I keep watching it and cringing at the memory... I take some solace in the fact that for most of those people though, it's a first baby... I refuse to to spend any quality sleeping hours counting the number of pees and poops Too has)
Then again, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised and this baby will be our good sleeper/eater. I'm not counting on it though.
I'm not counting on ANYTHING... seems to me to be the best approach. ;)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Breech. Not Breech. Back to Breech....
This baby obviously got his/her sense of direction from me. Yes, still breech. I'm really starting to get concerned now because as much as the head moves from one side to the other and even sometimes down to my left lower pelvis, the bottom never seems to go anywhere and I'm afraid that half of the baby is stuck.
I have tried just about every method over at, except for the chiropractor and the acupuncture. My poor baby has had its head frozen, its bottom heated up, put up with me laying practically upside down for ten minutes at a time, been pushed on, had light shined in its eyes... you name it.
I got my hopes up this morning because there was a lot of movement, followed by a case of the hiccups that were down way low. But then, I felt the head move back up into my ribcage. (sigh)
I don't know what to do... I just SO do not want a c-section. Yes, I know all of you who have had them say they "aren't that bad". But I just don't want one... it's surgery! I had a hard time giving birth the natural way last time, but I still say at least I wasn't cut open and recovering from THAT on top of everything else and caring for a newborn.
Obviously, it wouldn't be the end of the world. What I ultimately want is a healthy baby and whatever I have to go through to get that is the right and best way. I guess I'd just rather go with the less invasive form of birth... not to mention it's always comforting to do what you know... and what I know is pushing a giant head out of me.
Everyone says there is still time, so there is nothing to do but wait. I think in another month or so, if Too is still lost and confused in there, my doctor and I will talk options like external cephalic versions and c-sections. :( Most likely, I will lobby to give baby the full 40 weeks to flip before deciding on a c-section.
Can someone please send my baby a map? Or better yet, fetal GPS?
I have tried just about every method over at, except for the chiropractor and the acupuncture. My poor baby has had its head frozen, its bottom heated up, put up with me laying practically upside down for ten minutes at a time, been pushed on, had light shined in its eyes... you name it.
I got my hopes up this morning because there was a lot of movement, followed by a case of the hiccups that were down way low. But then, I felt the head move back up into my ribcage. (sigh)
I don't know what to do... I just SO do not want a c-section. Yes, I know all of you who have had them say they "aren't that bad". But I just don't want one... it's surgery! I had a hard time giving birth the natural way last time, but I still say at least I wasn't cut open and recovering from THAT on top of everything else and caring for a newborn.
Obviously, it wouldn't be the end of the world. What I ultimately want is a healthy baby and whatever I have to go through to get that is the right and best way. I guess I'd just rather go with the less invasive form of birth... not to mention it's always comforting to do what you know... and what I know is pushing a giant head out of me.
Everyone says there is still time, so there is nothing to do but wait. I think in another month or so, if Too is still lost and confused in there, my doctor and I will talk options like external cephalic versions and c-sections. :( Most likely, I will lobby to give baby the full 40 weeks to flip before deciding on a c-section.
Can someone please send my baby a map? Or better yet, fetal GPS?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
My Most Unusual Pregnancy Craving...
Some people have bizarre cravings when they are pregnant, like the cliche pickles and ice cream.... some have REALLY bizarre cravings, like dirt and chalk.
I, on the other hand, have truly the most bizarro craving ever (for me). Beer. I have craved beer like nobody's business since I got pregnant. And the REALLY weird thing is? I've had no more than three SIPS of it my entire life. AND? I've never liked it. Normally, I think it's the most foul and disgusting concoction on the planet. IF, for some strange reason, I am going to have a drink, it's something sweet and girly like a mudslide or a daquiri.
But the beer craving... I see people drinking it and I go nuts. Tom had a Corona the other night at his parents' house and I actually took a sip just to see if it was everything I thought it would be. It WAS. I spent the rest of the night taking it away from him to just sniff it.
What is WRONG with me?!
So last night, my husband, who is highly amused by all of this, stopped at the liquor store and built a six-pack. Four microbrews for himself and two non-alcoholic ones for me. I tried an Amber O'Dooles, but it tasted like Windex. So I'm thinking my craving is only for the real stuff. I know, WEIRD.
And the really funny part is that I'm sure when I actually CAN drink a real beer, I'll have reverted back to thinking beer is gross...
Pregnancy is so strange...
I, on the other hand, have truly the most bizarro craving ever (for me). Beer. I have craved beer like nobody's business since I got pregnant. And the REALLY weird thing is? I've had no more than three SIPS of it my entire life. AND? I've never liked it. Normally, I think it's the most foul and disgusting concoction on the planet. IF, for some strange reason, I am going to have a drink, it's something sweet and girly like a mudslide or a daquiri.
But the beer craving... I see people drinking it and I go nuts. Tom had a Corona the other night at his parents' house and I actually took a sip just to see if it was everything I thought it would be. It WAS. I spent the rest of the night taking it away from him to just sniff it.
What is WRONG with me?!
So last night, my husband, who is highly amused by all of this, stopped at the liquor store and built a six-pack. Four microbrews for himself and two non-alcoholic ones for me. I tried an Amber O'Dooles, but it tasted like Windex. So I'm thinking my craving is only for the real stuff. I know, WEIRD.
And the really funny part is that I'm sure when I actually CAN drink a real beer, I'll have reverted back to thinking beer is gross...
Pregnancy is so strange...
Monday, March 19, 2007
The past three nights, the acid reflux has been so bad, that I've resorted to taking one of my precious two daily Zantacs sometime between 1 and 4a.m. This has totally screwed up my schedule and has left me high and dry during the day. (I'm only allowed two a day, so I do my best to space them out as far as possible)
Well, last night, I caved at 1a.m. and by 9a.m. this morning, I had already puked three times because of the stupid heartburn... so I decided to risk an overdose. I took one of my Z150's and cut it in half. (so I guess it was technically a Zantac 75) It was either that or cut my head off because the burning was just that bad. I'm hoping to last until my OLD usual time for the second dose... sometime around 6p.m., which usually gets me through the night okay. Either that or it's back to the original plan of cutting my head off.
Y'all... I am SO done with being pregnant. Yet, still so far away from actually being finished. :(
Well, last night, I caved at 1a.m. and by 9a.m. this morning, I had already puked three times because of the stupid heartburn... so I decided to risk an overdose. I took one of my Z150's and cut it in half. (so I guess it was technically a Zantac 75) It was either that or cut my head off because the burning was just that bad. I'm hoping to last until my OLD usual time for the second dose... sometime around 6p.m., which usually gets me through the night okay. Either that or it's back to the original plan of cutting my head off.
Y'all... I am SO done with being pregnant. Yet, still so far away from actually being finished. :(
Saturday, March 17, 2007
3D Too at 31 Weeks...
I had my 3D ultrasound this afternoon! We had it done at Little Sprout, which is really close to us. If any of you locals are interested, I'd highly recommend them!
So yeah, Too is in THE strangest position ever. The head is now in my right side with one foot up over it and and both arms. The other foot is curled up underneath and digging into the left side of my pelvis. Looks uncomfortable in there! The strange positioning made it hard to get a whole lot of good face shots, but we did get a few... (and some other ones I liked) Without further ado...
Elbow, knee and little fist
Look at the chubby cheeks!
More chubby cheeks and a foot
Another face shot...
Here's a side-by-side of the siblings, both at 31 weeks... can you tell who is who? ;)
Here's a picture of Benjamin just after he was born to help you... or perhaps just confuse you! ;)
The tech did some measurements (just for fun... it's not a medical u/s so nothing is official) and they came out saying the baby is about 4.6 pounds. (or about a week ahead) But she did qualify that with the fact that the measurements can't be exact because of the baby's positioning... it makes it hard to get an accurate head and belly circumference and some of the other angles are a little weird too. So I'm hopeful I'm not going to give birth to a gigantaur. ;)
I can say this after comparing Too's 3D pics to Ben's a little closer... They have the same nose (my husband's) and the same tiny mouth and lips. The eyes, face shape and ears are up for grabs. And we didn't get a good look this time to see if Too got my butt-chin the way Ben did. But those will all be fun surprises come May! Gotta have a few surprises, right? ;)
So yeah, Too is in THE strangest position ever. The head is now in my right side with one foot up over it and and both arms. The other foot is curled up underneath and digging into the left side of my pelvis. Looks uncomfortable in there! The strange positioning made it hard to get a whole lot of good face shots, but we did get a few... (and some other ones I liked) Without further ado...
Elbow, knee and little fist
Look at the chubby cheeks!
More chubby cheeks and a foot
Another face shot...
Here's a side-by-side of the siblings, both at 31 weeks... can you tell who is who? ;)
Here's a picture of Benjamin just after he was born to help you... or perhaps just confuse you! ;)
The tech did some measurements (just for fun... it's not a medical u/s so nothing is official) and they came out saying the baby is about 4.6 pounds. (or about a week ahead) But she did qualify that with the fact that the measurements can't be exact because of the baby's positioning... it makes it hard to get an accurate head and belly circumference and some of the other angles are a little weird too. So I'm hopeful I'm not going to give birth to a gigantaur. ;)
I can say this after comparing Too's 3D pics to Ben's a little closer... They have the same nose (my husband's) and the same tiny mouth and lips. The eyes, face shape and ears are up for grabs. And we didn't get a good look this time to see if Too got my butt-chin the way Ben did. But those will all be fun surprises come May! Gotta have a few surprises, right? ;)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I Must Be Getting Close...
...because the freebies are starting to show up from the formula companies. Today's was from Similac. We don't use Similac, so I offered it to my neighbor who just had a baby. But if she can' use it, I'll repost here and any of you are welcome to it. I also have bunches of their formula checks that came too! :)
I underestimate sometimes how far my stomach sticks out. Like the other day, I parked in a tight spot at the post office and realized I actually couldn't get out of the car because the door wouldn't open far enough. It happened one other time in a parking garage and I actually had to climb across the passenger seat and out the other side. (while other people watched... it was lovely)
And this morning, I was ironing my pants and actually somehow managed to burn my belly with the iron. Yeah. OW!
And this morning, I was ironing my pants and actually somehow managed to burn my belly with the iron. Yeah. OW!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Purely Selfish Things I am Missing Right Now...
I am in countdown mode... single digits almost! Here are the things I really miss from my non-pregnant life...
1) My morning cup of coffee. For ALMOST the entire pregnancy, I've been unable to have my home-brewed mug of hot coffee with cream. It just makes me SO sick. For awhile I was able to replace it with a Starbucks, Dunkin or Panera cup, but now even those make me hurl. My morning cup of coffee is (when I'm not pregnant) the FIRST thing I do in the morning. I sit in the corner of the sofa and sip while I wake up and Ben snuggles and watches the Wiggles. I can not even describe to you just HOW much I miss this right now...
2) My clothes. This is a given. I put all of my regular clothes away pretty much right after I peed on the stick. But I miss my familiar shirts, shorts and jeans. I'll get them back out soon after the baby comes home, but most of it won't fit for at least a few weeks. So sad. :(
3) Shopping. I actually could use some NEW spring and summer clothes. And suddenly, now that I'm large and in charge, there is TONS of stuff out there I see that I like. That never happens. Just my luck! I can't very well shop/try things on in my current state. And by the time I can, they'll probably have fall stuff out.
4) Sleeping on my stomach. Honestly? I'm not even a stomach sleeper to begin with But when I'm pregnant, I start itching to do it like nobody's business. I guess you always want what you can't have. Just like last time, it will be THE first thing I do when I come home from the hospital... jump on the bed and lay on my stomach. ;)
5)Running up the stairs. Oh how I took this for granted. Now I sort of hang onto the railing and heave myself up slowly, one step at a time. God forbid I leave something up there and have to make another trip. It usually doesn't happen.
6) Margaritas. Kind of like sleeping on my stomach... it's not even something I drink on any kind of regular basis... maybe twice a year! But, course I have been craving them since day one of Too's life.
7) Meals. You all know of my constant pukiness. It's really depressing to eat a meal knowing it's more than likely coming back in an hour or so. REALLY really depressing. Even more depressing to look at dessert and know there is definitely ZERO room in there for that. In this same category, I miss drinking HUGE glasses of ice water. I am so thirsty all the time these days (I guess puking all the time will do that to you) and all I really want most of the time is a giant glass of really cold water. But as soon as I drink it, the reflux starts, followed by the puking. Bleh. :(
I'm sure there are more... I'll update as I think of them. ;)
Truly, I know I am blessed to just be pregnant. I am thankful for *almost* every minute of it... it feels like it took forever to get here and I was so afraid for awhile that it wasn't going to happen again. I am just at the point where I really REALLY need it to come to an end soon... parts of it are just getting so very VERY old...
1) My morning cup of coffee. For ALMOST the entire pregnancy, I've been unable to have my home-brewed mug of hot coffee with cream. It just makes me SO sick. For awhile I was able to replace it with a Starbucks, Dunkin or Panera cup, but now even those make me hurl. My morning cup of coffee is (when I'm not pregnant) the FIRST thing I do in the morning. I sit in the corner of the sofa and sip while I wake up and Ben snuggles and watches the Wiggles. I can not even describe to you just HOW much I miss this right now...
2) My clothes. This is a given. I put all of my regular clothes away pretty much right after I peed on the stick. But I miss my familiar shirts, shorts and jeans. I'll get them back out soon after the baby comes home, but most of it won't fit for at least a few weeks. So sad. :(
3) Shopping. I actually could use some NEW spring and summer clothes. And suddenly, now that I'm large and in charge, there is TONS of stuff out there I see that I like. That never happens. Just my luck! I can't very well shop/try things on in my current state. And by the time I can, they'll probably have fall stuff out.
4) Sleeping on my stomach. Honestly? I'm not even a stomach sleeper to begin with But when I'm pregnant, I start itching to do it like nobody's business. I guess you always want what you can't have. Just like last time, it will be THE first thing I do when I come home from the hospital... jump on the bed and lay on my stomach. ;)
5)Running up the stairs. Oh how I took this for granted. Now I sort of hang onto the railing and heave myself up slowly, one step at a time. God forbid I leave something up there and have to make another trip. It usually doesn't happen.
6) Margaritas. Kind of like sleeping on my stomach... it's not even something I drink on any kind of regular basis... maybe twice a year! But, course I have been craving them since day one of Too's life.
7) Meals. You all know of my constant pukiness. It's really depressing to eat a meal knowing it's more than likely coming back in an hour or so. REALLY really depressing. Even more depressing to look at dessert and know there is definitely ZERO room in there for that. In this same category, I miss drinking HUGE glasses of ice water. I am so thirsty all the time these days (I guess puking all the time will do that to you) and all I really want most of the time is a giant glass of really cold water. But as soon as I drink it, the reflux starts, followed by the puking. Bleh. :(
I'm sure there are more... I'll update as I think of them. ;)
Truly, I know I am blessed to just be pregnant. I am thankful for *almost* every minute of it... it feels like it took forever to get here and I was so afraid for awhile that it wasn't going to happen again. I am just at the point where I really REALLY need it to come to an end soon... parts of it are just getting so very VERY old...
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Little By Little...
We took advantage of Tom's parents watching Ben yesterday to make a trip over to Babies R Us and get a few more things we needed for Too. I *think* I'm down to only needing some diaper genie refills, diapers, some size 1 Nuks and couple cans of formula. (oh and the diaper bag, but I'm not going to decide on that until the baby gets here, me thinks) That's pretty darn cool. :) So Too is pretty much set to come whenever in May he or she decides to. :)
On our way there, we stopped at Home Depot and ran into Krystyna and Marc. They were headed to Baby Depot to look at cribs anyway, so they ended up tagging along with us to Babies R Us to see what they had there. Not sure they found anything yet! I do remember the whole crib decision being kind of overwhelming...
In baby positioning news, well, I don't think there is any news. I tried a warmer approach last night with a heating pad on low at the bottom of my belly. Too didn't care. In fact he/she has been favoring the completely breech position lately. :(
Ow. :(
On our way there, we stopped at Home Depot and ran into Krystyna and Marc. They were headed to Baby Depot to look at cribs anyway, so they ended up tagging along with us to Babies R Us to see what they had there. Not sure they found anything yet! I do remember the whole crib decision being kind of overwhelming...
In baby positioning news, well, I don't think there is any news. I tried a warmer approach last night with a heating pad on low at the bottom of my belly. Too didn't care. In fact he/she has been favoring the completely breech position lately. :(
Ow. :(
Saturday, March 10, 2007
30-week Belly Pic...
T-minus ten weeks....
Current weight: 141
Belly height: 30 centimeters
Belly circumference: 42 inches!! ;)
Current weight: 141
Belly height: 30 centimeters
Belly circumference: 42 inches!! ;)
Friday, March 09, 2007
Reassured, But Still Uncomfortable...
I found some interesting articles/stats last night online about babies turning. How it's a natural instinct for them... and unless there is a reason they can't turn (stuck, umbilical cord around the neck, too big), they will. The stats for a baby being breech at 30 weeks are actually pretty high... something like 30%, and of that 30%, only something like 2.5% actually stay breech by 40 weeks. So I felt a lot better.
"A Breech Baby*
As a baby reaches full maturity at about 37 weeks, he becomes heavier and tips head-down. Some babies, however, remain breech until term.
If a baby is in the breech position at term he may be delivered by Caesarean section. If your baby is breech in the last weeks of pregnancy, though, you can be reassured that he will probably turn himself before labour actually begins:
"30% of babies are breech at 30 weeks. Over half of these will turn spontaneously during the next two weeks.
14% of babies are still breech at 32 weeks. There is a 60 percent chance that a baby that is bottom-down will turn of his own accord before labour starts.
Less than 5% of babies are still breech at 37 weeks. A quarter of these will turn on their own, although this is less likely if the legs are extended or there isn’t enough room in the uterus, for instance because it is a multiple pregnancy or the baby is too large.
A few babies will kick themselves round once labour starts, as long as there is room. "
But here's the thing. My stomach is going to explode in the meantime! There is SO much pressure. It is going to feel SO good when this baby finally turns. Almost as good as the minute it exits my body altogether.
I think he/she IS making an effort to maneuver around. The head goes anywhere from (if YOU are looking at my stomach) ten o'clock to five o'clock at any given point during the day. The problem is that the bottom half doesn't seem to go anywhere! Too is a contortionist! Hopefully the kiddo gets the whole thing coordinated soon... before the belly explosion happens... because that will be messy.
"A Breech Baby*
As a baby reaches full maturity at about 37 weeks, he becomes heavier and tips head-down. Some babies, however, remain breech until term.
If a baby is in the breech position at term he may be delivered by Caesarean section. If your baby is breech in the last weeks of pregnancy, though, you can be reassured that he will probably turn himself before labour actually begins:
"30% of babies are breech at 30 weeks. Over half of these will turn spontaneously during the next two weeks.
14% of babies are still breech at 32 weeks. There is a 60 percent chance that a baby that is bottom-down will turn of his own accord before labour starts.
Less than 5% of babies are still breech at 37 weeks. A quarter of these will turn on their own, although this is less likely if the legs are extended or there isn’t enough room in the uterus, for instance because it is a multiple pregnancy or the baby is too large.
A few babies will kick themselves round once labour starts, as long as there is room. "
But here's the thing. My stomach is going to explode in the meantime! There is SO much pressure. It is going to feel SO good when this baby finally turns. Almost as good as the minute it exits my body altogether.
I think he/she IS making an effort to maneuver around. The head goes anywhere from (if YOU are looking at my stomach) ten o'clock to five o'clock at any given point during the day. The problem is that the bottom half doesn't seem to go anywhere! Too is a contortionist! Hopefully the kiddo gets the whole thing coordinated soon... before the belly explosion happens... because that will be messy.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Doctor's Appointment...
I forgot how annoying non-final-weeks/"things are going fine" prenatal appointments can be. My doctor (who again, I love, she's awesome... just busy...), spent literally 45 seconds with me before she said, "See you in three weeks!" and headed for the the door. I had to practically grab her by the coat to get her stop so I could get out, "I throw up three times a day!! Just thought you should know!!" She did stop to write that in my chart, asked if I'd tried Tums (?!?! seriously?!?!) and eating small meals. (duh) She did tell me I could try some over the counter glucose something or other but that since I had this last time and nothing helped, I'm pretty much stuck this time too. Huzzah!
In other news... let's see. Blood pressure perfect. Tummy measuring 30 weeks. No real weight gain (shocker). Passed the glucose test with flying colors. And yes, the baby is still sideways. This is apparently of no consequence since she was all Hakuna Matata on me, "Yep, that's the head, and that's the bottom, you're 29 weeks, plenty of time to move..." and went on her merry way. She also remarked that yes, this baby will probably be about a pound bigger than Ben was... yada yada... normal.. yada yada... to expect somewhere in the 7-pounds 12-15 ounce range. My girlie bits are already cringing just thinking about that.
Next appointment in three weeks, then every two weeks! Wahoo!
In other news... let's see. Blood pressure perfect. Tummy measuring 30 weeks. No real weight gain (shocker). Passed the glucose test with flying colors. And yes, the baby is still sideways. This is apparently of no consequence since she was all Hakuna Matata on me, "Yep, that's the head, and that's the bottom, you're 29 weeks, plenty of time to move..." and went on her merry way. She also remarked that yes, this baby will probably be about a pound bigger than Ben was... yada yada... normal.. yada yada... to expect somewhere in the 7-pounds 12-15 ounce range. My girlie bits are already cringing just thinking about that.
Next appointment in three weeks, then every two weeks! Wahoo!
Can We Talk Diaper Bags?
Okay, this is ridiculous, considering I have THREE diaper bags. But I think I might need a new one and I'd love recommendations from people with two kids...
I have this one:
It's lovely and large. It was a "must have" last time around because it matched my PacknPlay, stroller and infant seat. (ahhh, if I had a nickel for every "must have" that I never used...sigh...) I have used it only a handful of times, and never to carry around. I only drag it out when we are going on overnight trips and I need to pack a TON of diapers, clothes, bottles, nighttime baby supplies, formula... etc... NOT ideal for everyday use.
I also have this one: (a version of it, anyway... mine might be slightly larger)
It was my everyday diaper bag until Ben was a little under 2. After that I just resorted to throwing a diaper, some wipes, a snack and a sippy cup into my purse. I love this little bag. It's wonderful... held everything I needed to take a baby out to the grocery store, the mall, or just over to grandmom's house. Plenty of room for my wallet and keys, a couple of bottles, some formula, several diapers, a changing pad, wipes, a burp cloth... you get the picture. Not at all bulky to cart around.
I also have the free one they give you in the hospital from Enfamil. It's a little smaller than my HUGE bag and again, I have only really used it on big trips.
I'm thinking now that my beloved little Eddie Bauer bag isn't going to cut it when I need to be carrying around all the requisite newborn supplies PLUS an entire change of clothes, a snack and a sippy cup for my little preschooler/potty trainee.
I'm thinking of getting something like this one:
I don't want anything that screams "DIAPER BAG!!" You know, like this one: (ew!)
I guess what I want to know is, realistically, how much stuff will I need to be carting around and for how long? If you have a baby and a preschooler, what kind of bag do you carry and love?
I have this one:
It's lovely and large. It was a "must have" last time around because it matched my PacknPlay, stroller and infant seat. (ahhh, if I had a nickel for every "must have" that I never used...sigh...) I have used it only a handful of times, and never to carry around. I only drag it out when we are going on overnight trips and I need to pack a TON of diapers, clothes, bottles, nighttime baby supplies, formula... etc... NOT ideal for everyday use.
I also have this one: (a version of it, anyway... mine might be slightly larger)
It was my everyday diaper bag until Ben was a little under 2. After that I just resorted to throwing a diaper, some wipes, a snack and a sippy cup into my purse. I love this little bag. It's wonderful... held everything I needed to take a baby out to the grocery store, the mall, or just over to grandmom's house. Plenty of room for my wallet and keys, a couple of bottles, some formula, several diapers, a changing pad, wipes, a burp cloth... you get the picture. Not at all bulky to cart around.
I also have the free one they give you in the hospital from Enfamil. It's a little smaller than my HUGE bag and again, I have only really used it on big trips.
I'm thinking now that my beloved little Eddie Bauer bag isn't going to cut it when I need to be carrying around all the requisite newborn supplies PLUS an entire change of clothes, a snack and a sippy cup for my little preschooler/potty trainee.
I'm thinking of getting something like this one:
I don't want anything that screams "DIAPER BAG!!" You know, like this one: (ew!)
I guess what I want to know is, realistically, how much stuff will I need to be carting around and for how long? If you have a baby and a preschooler, what kind of bag do you carry and love?
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Stubborn Too...
Last night, I tried the frozen peas + flashlight method and no dice. I haven't given up on it though. I think Too was sleeping when I did it because I got virtually NO reaction from it. So I'll wait until there is some serious movement and then try again. Today, the little bugger is most definitely firmly wedged sideways.
This is so annoying. I know everyone says there is plenty of time for it to move. But I'm tired of things being up in the air as far as the birth is concerned. First the placenta thing and now this.
Frankly, Too is starting to make Benjamin look like my easy-going child. Yikes.
This is so annoying. I know everyone says there is plenty of time for it to move. But I'm tired of things being up in the air as far as the birth is concerned. First the placenta thing and now this.
Frankly, Too is starting to make Benjamin look like my easy-going child. Yikes.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Pressure Cooker...
The past couple of days, my belly has become so incredibly tight. It feels like one continuous Braxton Hicks contraction and is QUITE uncomfortable. Additionally, there is a TON of pressure... not like "I have to push" pressure, but just PRESSURE on all sides. I'm not sure if it's the baby's position, or what. I'm a little concerned that I'm dehydrated since I am throwing up so often. I try to drink a lot of water at night, because that seems to be the best time for me to keep things down. As I lay here on the couch right now, the muscles seem to have finally relaxed a little, but I know the minute I get up and start moving, it's going to be as tight as a drum again. What gives? I wish my OB appointment were sooner than Thursday... it's got me wondering if I shouldn't make a trip over to L&D just to get monitored and see what's going on. I
In other news, I used the "go toward the light" method of trying to get Too to turn last night. It really DID get the baby moving... a LOT. I felt the kidlet go completely breech at one point, (the head was right in the middle of my ribcage) then back to transverse, head down, back to transverse... when I went to bed, I thought it was head down, but this morning, it was back to sideways again. (sigh) At least I know now that Too obviously has the room to move should he/she WANT to. I think I'll keep trying that one and hope eventually it goes head down and stays.
I'm also trying the different body positions that are recommended. One requires me to hang headfirst off the couch. (yes, enjoy the mental image, thanks). The only problem is that I can only do it for a few seconds before it triggers the silly acid reflux. LAME.
In other news, I used the "go toward the light" method of trying to get Too to turn last night. It really DID get the baby moving... a LOT. I felt the kidlet go completely breech at one point, (the head was right in the middle of my ribcage) then back to transverse, head down, back to transverse... when I went to bed, I thought it was head down, but this morning, it was back to sideways again. (sigh) At least I know now that Too obviously has the room to move should he/she WANT to. I think I'll keep trying that one and hope eventually it goes head down and stays.
I'm also trying the different body positions that are recommended. One requires me to hang headfirst off the couch. (yes, enjoy the mental image, thanks). The only problem is that I can only do it for a few seconds before it triggers the silly acid reflux. LAME.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
More Than You Bargained For...
I was at a Pampered Chef party yesterday at my friend Mandy's sister's house. Becky has a five-month-old (Hi Claire!) and thus, all the newest and coolest baby gadgets. I have to say, I thought this. was pretty darn cool. There was ONE video monitor when I was registering with Benjamin, but the actual video part of it was big and bulky and it just didn't seem worth it. This one is the size of a regular baby monitor, which is way cool.
So the thing about baby monitors is that the signal they use is not exclusively yours. (especially if you live in a townhouse or an apartment... it doesn't matter WHAT the reviews say, they ALL get interference when you are surrounded by a hundred other people with baby monitors)Our monitor (we have an older version though) picks up half the neighborhood, clear as day. Sometimes I even have a hard time telling if it's Benjamin that is making noise or someone else's child, it's THAT clear.
Well, apparently the same thing happens with the VIDEO signal. Now THAT is creepy. Becky moved the handset around the room a little and we actually saw someone else's baby sleeping. She and her husband can also tune in every night at 7p.m. to watch the neighbor read bedtime stories to her child. And those are just the slightly creepy, yet INNOCENT things she has seen on that thing... oh yes, go and and use your imagination...
So yeah, we'l'l be sticking to our regular monitor, I think. (I was actually tempted to get the video one just for the coolness factor, but the $169 price tag I found when I looked it up seemed a little outrageous)
So the thing about baby monitors is that the signal they use is not exclusively yours. (especially if you live in a townhouse or an apartment... it doesn't matter WHAT the reviews say, they ALL get interference when you are surrounded by a hundred other people with baby monitors)Our monitor (we have an older version though) picks up half the neighborhood, clear as day. Sometimes I even have a hard time telling if it's Benjamin that is making noise or someone else's child, it's THAT clear.
Well, apparently the same thing happens with the VIDEO signal. Now THAT is creepy. Becky moved the handset around the room a little and we actually saw someone else's baby sleeping. She and her husband can also tune in every night at 7p.m. to watch the neighbor read bedtime stories to her child. And those are just the slightly creepy, yet INNOCENT things she has seen on that thing... oh yes, go and and use your imagination...
So yeah, we'l'l be sticking to our regular monitor, I think. (I was actually tempted to get the video one just for the coolness factor, but the $169 price tag I found when I looked it up seemed a little outrageous)
If you throw up the communion wafer and the grape juice after church, does it still count as having taken communion? These questions and more, only found on Tale of a Baby Human Too, I promise you. ;)
Saturday, March 03, 2007
29-Week Belly Pic...
Holding steady these days at about 25-26 pounds gained. 11 weeks to go! :) Too is still sideways this morning. I got hopeful because I thought I felt a head down low and my side was squishy, but then I got the familiar pain in my left side and the head magically reappeared up high.
Here's a picture of a 29-week fetus. You can see why I am concerned about Too having room to move! ;)
Friday, March 02, 2007
Turn... Turn... Turn...
Too is still sideways... :( It hurts. And so will the c-section I'll have to have if Too stays this way. MOVE MOVE MOVE, darn it!
I came across two interesting pieces of information concerning the transverse position while I was googling how to encourage the baby to turn.
1) It generally occurs when you've already given birth before... something about the uterus being NICE and stretched out.
2) They see an increased instance of it in women who have toddlers and have to pick them up all the time.
Actually, I am long past picking Ben up/carrying him except to get into his carseat or a grocery cart, but I don' t know how I can eliminate those last two things.
Heeding some of the other advice, I've been trying to spend some time on all fours several times a day now... yeah, that's fun.
Another recommendation is swimming but I don't have access to an indoor pool at the moment. Working on that one though.
And another interesting one I came across is to wear bicycle shorts all the time. Apparently this makes the baby very uncomfortable to stay in the sideways position. What I don't get is how the bicycle shorts are any different from the oh-so-stylish panel pants I'm already wearing all day every day? Maybe I just need to tighten the elastic a little... hrm...
I came across two interesting pieces of information concerning the transverse position while I was googling how to encourage the baby to turn.
1) It generally occurs when you've already given birth before... something about the uterus being NICE and stretched out.
2) They see an increased instance of it in women who have toddlers and have to pick them up all the time.
Actually, I am long past picking Ben up/carrying him except to get into his carseat or a grocery cart, but I don' t know how I can eliminate those last two things.
Heeding some of the other advice, I've been trying to spend some time on all fours several times a day now... yeah, that's fun.
Another recommendation is swimming but I don't have access to an indoor pool at the moment. Working on that one though.
And another interesting one I came across is to wear bicycle shorts all the time. Apparently this makes the baby very uncomfortable to stay in the sideways position. What I don't get is how the bicycle shorts are any different from the oh-so-stylish panel pants I'm already wearing all day every day? Maybe I just need to tighten the elastic a little... hrm...
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Orange Ickiness...
I went for my glucose tolerance test today. FUN! They have changed it in two ways since last I did it.
1) The drink isn't carbonated anymore. It was SO much better carbonated. Tasted like a Sunkist orange soda. Now it just tastes like super-sweet FLAT orange soda.
2) THey make you down it in five minutes. I swear last time I remember having 15 minutes to chug it. Either way, it was all I could do not to barf it right back up. (in which case, they make you come back and do it again another day, which was SO not happening... so I WILLED all 10 oz. to stay down)
So I peed in a cup. I drank the wretched concoction. I sat for an hour. I gave some blood. Here's hoping I passed! I think that's the last of the pregnancy bloodwork, barring any unforeseen circumstances later on... yay!
1) The drink isn't carbonated anymore. It was SO much better carbonated. Tasted like a Sunkist orange soda. Now it just tastes like super-sweet FLAT orange soda.
2) THey make you down it in five minutes. I swear last time I remember having 15 minutes to chug it. Either way, it was all I could do not to barf it right back up. (in which case, they make you come back and do it again another day, which was SO not happening... so I WILLED all 10 oz. to stay down)
So I peed in a cup. I drank the wretched concoction. I sat for an hour. I gave some blood. Here's hoping I passed! I think that's the last of the pregnancy bloodwork, barring any unforeseen circumstances later on... yay!
The Name Game -- Part II. BOYS!
Apparently, the winner is Seth. Ehh... Y'all did a MUCH better job picking a girl name, I gotta say. :P